Repository for Lab 4 of the class Introduction to Software Programming, MSc Geoinformatics and Spatial Data Science @ WWU Münster, WiSe 21/22.
- creates a class object for circles. Circle objects contain a centerpoint and a radius. Various functions (getters, setters, area etc.) are defined.
- creates a class object for points. Point objects contain an x- and y-coordinate. Various functions (getters, setters, area etc.) are defined.
- creates a class object for rectangles. Point objects contain a top left point, width and height. Various functions (getters, setters, area etc.) are defined.
- creates an object superclass for circles, points and rectangle objects. Shape objects contain stroke width and color, as well as a filling color. Various functions to set and get these attributes are defined.
- is a testing code, which verifies the validity of the python scripts in the aforementioned class files. The program returns 'OK' if everything works properly, and returns 'FAILED' if not.