- Stefano Moia (@smoia)
- Stefano Moia (@smoia)
- Make sure we delete testing files after finishing tests #307 (@vinferrer)
- Add label colours to set auto labels #318 (@smoia)
- Reduce
verbosity #317 (@smoia)
- Stefano Moia (@smoia)
- Vicente Ferrer (@vinferrer)
- Make trigger-based time-offset correction more generalisable (resample time before comparing it to trigger) #308 ([email protected])
- Format logger to make terminal (stdout) more human readable #312 (@vinferrer)
- Add (resampled) trigger to all output files #288 (@vinferrer)
- Skip CI on all-contributors ([email protected])
- Explicitly ignore rc files and github folder ([email protected])
- Add autorc ([email protected])
- Add auto badge to documentation ([email protected])
- Add auto badge ([email protected])
- Add workflow for auto publishing ([email protected])
- Change build shield from Travis to CircleCI #297 (@eurunuela)
- Fix linting errors #294 (@eurunuela)
- Start of sampling time is now the same for all frequencies #283 (@vinferrer)
- Add travis wait command #284 (@eurunuela)
- Correct trigger channel indexing while reading AcqKnowledge files. #275 ([email protected])
- Merge branch 'int/auto' ([email protected])
- Update README.md ([email protected])
- Update ISSUE_TEMPLATE_MEETING.md ([email protected])
- Fix message shown when skipping integration test (@eurunuela)
- Update .travis.yml (@eurunuela)
- Update setup.cfg (@eurunuela)
- Update all-contributors #310 ([email protected])
- Update documentation to reflect change from Travis CI to CircleCI #290 (@eurunuela)
- Add tests for exceptions #291 (@eurunuela)
- Add CircleCI for automatic testing and correct integration test parameters #286 (@eurunuela)
- Switch from Travis to CircleCI for automatic testing #285 (@eurunuela)
- Add integration test for the multi run pipeline #266 (@eurunuela)
- Refactor txt.py chtrig parameter to improve code readability #305 (@vinferrer)
- Add link to Google Calendar #302 (@eurunuela)
- Eneko Uruñuela (@eurunuela)
- Stefano Moia (@smoia)
- Vicente Ferrer (@vinferrer)
🎉 This release contains work from new contributors! 🎉
Thanks for all your work!
❤️ Taylor Salo (@tsalo)
❤️ François Lespinasse (@sangfrois)
- Add the possibility to split multi-run physiological recordings #206 (@sangfrois @smoia @rmarkello)
- Create folder code/conversion to store trigger and channel plots, yaml and heuristic files and the call.sh file #256 (@vinferrer @eurunuela)
- Add duecredit to handle citations #249 (@tsalo @smoia)
- Generate dataset_description.json and README.md when they do not exist and update the json file when the subject is missing #255 (@vinferrer)
- Create bids_ignore directory and redirect channels plot, trigger plot, logger output and subject log file to this directory #245 (@vinferrer @smoia)
- Generate participants.tsv if it doesn't exist or update it if subject is missing in the file #244 (@eurunuela)
- Change os path import and linter #260 (@smoia)
- Remove redundant integration tests #259 (@eurunuela)
- Add unit tests for participants_file and append_list_as_row #254 (@sangfrois @eurunuela)
- Update testing to use short files. #241 (@eurunuela)
- Eneko Uruñuela (@eurunuela)
- François Lespinasse (@sangfrois)
- Rachael Stickland (@RayStick)
- Ross Markello (@rmarkello)
- Stefano Moia (@smoia)
- Taylor Salo (@tsalo)
- Vicente Ferrer (@vinferrer)
🎉 This release contains work from a new contributor! 🎉
Thank you, Molly Bright (@BrightMG), for all your work!
- Make heuristics a simple set of "if .. elif .. else" statements and use a dictionary instead of variables. #209 (@smoia)
- Add BIDS-compatible automatic reformatting of units of measure #222 (@vinferrer @smoia @eurunuela)
- Add
methods to BlueprintInput for easier slicing and comparing #213 (@smoia) - Improve code compliance to BIDS in BlueprintOputput #189 (@smoia)
- Auto #236 (@smoia)
- Check branch in travisCI #235 (@smoia)
- Print float to max 4 decimal places #212 (@RayStick)
- Enh/bids units #224 (@smoia)
- Add issue templates #220 (@smoia)
- Update ISSUE_TEMPLATE_MEETING.md (@smoia)
- Update badges (@smoia)
- Invert Cesar & Vicente, reorganise badges (@smoia)
- Update heuristic.rst (@smoia)
- Add heuristic link (@smoia)
- Update card link (@smoia)
- Add card and mattermost channel for BrainWeb (@smoia)
- Add card for BrainWeb (@smoia)
- Updates for the BrainWeb (@smoia)
- Triggger Travis CI (@smoia)
- Add guidelines for PR reviews. #197 (@smoia @RayStick)
- Update reference API #231 (@rmarkello)
- Add "Why BIDS?" page to the documentation #229 (@rmarkello)
- Create LICENSE #3 (@smoia)
- Fix typos on "Best Practices for Phys Data Collection" #200 (@kristinazvolanek)
- Fix formatting on "Best Practices for Phys Data Collection" #198 (@kristinazvolanek)
- Update trigger detection tutorial #191 (@vinferrer @RayStick @smoia)
- Add section on "Best Practices for Phys Data Collection" #177 (@AyyagariA @BrightMG)
- Update viz.py docstrings and Inputs #193 (@vinferrer)
- Create README.md #4 (@smoia)
- Fix azure pipelines non-failure bug #223 (@rmarkello)
- Add Azure Pipelines for Windows CI testing #208 (@rmarkello)
- Add required token for Travis to run auto #240 (@smoia)
- Fix Travis CI environment for auto #238 (@smoia)
- Fix TravisCI configuration for auto #237 (@smoia)
- Implement automatic release #181 (@smoia)
- Move bids-related functions to dedicated file #234 (@smoia)
- Remove bioread form required dependencies, ease extra modules installation #214 (@smoia @RayStick)
- Reordering of import statements in the entire phys2bids project #195 (@eurunuela)
- Apoorva Ayyagari (@AyyagariA)
- Eneko Uruñuela (@eurunuela)
- Kristina Zvolanek (@kristinazvolanek)
- Molly Bright (@BrightMG)
- Rachael Stickland (@RayStick)
- Ross Markello (@rmarkello)
- Stefano Moia (@smoia)
- Vicente Ferrer (@vinferrer)