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Generate Responsive Images Server

Generate static responsive images from one image on localhost service. It's for the server side implementation for


git clone [email protected]:memolog/generate-responsive-images.git
cd ./generate-responsive-images
npm install
npm start
  1. Go localhost:3000 and select some photo and push 'generate' button
  2. Get responsive images like the following


Develop Local Server

Edit server/server.js and then restart server

Develop Frontend

The frontend is build with preact and webpack. You need to install dev depenencies first

npm run develop

Edit files in ./static/src, and then npm run build

Serverless Service (That's optinal, I implemented it for the demo site backend)

You can install server function to AWS lambda, and serve S3 bucket (But not so easier than localhost).

Install AWS CLI

Installing the AWS Command Line Interface

Build lambda function dependencies

First, you have to build sharp module to work in AWS Lambda. See the Documentation for more details.

cd ./cloud_formation/lambda_function
docker run -v "$PWD":/var/task lambci/lambda:build-nodejs6.10 npm install sharp

and then, install the other dependencies

npm install

Install Docker

If you don't have Docker in your local, see Install Docker.

You have installed brew an brew cask, you can install docker with brew cask

brew cask install docker

Attach inline policy

Attach an inline policy to deploy like the ./cloud_formation/inline-policy.json. You must see the policy and update it for your own purpose

Set your access key and secret in the ~/.aws/config file like the following

[profile responvie-images]
region = ap-northeast-1
aws_access_key_id = AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE
aws_secret_access_key = wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY

Create S3 bucket to package lambda function

You should replace {your-bucket-name} with an unique bucket name. You can do the same thing in AWS management console.

aws s3 mb s3://{your-bucket-name}

Package and Deploy the CloudFormation stack

Deploy the following serverless service on AWS with AWS CloudFormation.

  • S3 Bucket (GenerateResponsiveImagesBucket)
    • this bucket aimed to stock image, which images are expired in 3 days. If you want to keep images longer, you should update ExpirationInDays number in template.yaml
  • S3 Bucket (GenerateResponsiveImagesLoggingBucket)
    • for CloudFront logging
  • CloudFront
    • on the front of GateWay API
  • IAM Role (GenerateResponsiveImagesApiGatewayRole)
    • IAM role to access S3 bucket via Gateway API
  • API Gateway
    • Endpoint for Lambda and S3
  • Lambda
    • Generate responsive images
  • IAM Use Policy (AWSLambdaUserPolicy)
    • IAM policy for lambda to upload images to S3 bucket
  • IAM User (AWSLambdaUser)
    • this user executes the lambda function, who has only AWSLambdaUserPolicy policy
  • IAM AccessKey (AWSLambdaUserAccessKey)
    • Generate accessKey and secret key of AWSLambdaUser to use lambda function
cd ./cloud_formation
aws cloudformation package --template-file template.yaml --output-template-file output-template.yaml --s3-bucket generate-responsive-images-deploy --profile responsive-images
aws cloudformation deploy --template-file output-template.yaml --stack-name generate-responsive-images --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM --profile responsive-images

You can get cloudfront domain in the outputs area on the stack details page in AWS management console

Update endpoint domain to cloudfront from localhost:3000 in ./src/app.tsx, and run npm run build

You can access the APIs like the following

  • post image: POST https://{cloudfront-domain}/images
  • get responsive images: GET https://{cloudfront-domain}/images/{image-name}/{image-name.jpeg}

Delete Serverless Service

Delete S3 bucket for packaging

aws s3 rm s3://{your-bucket-name} --recursive
aws s3 delete-bucket s3://{your-bucket-name}

Delete CloudFormation Stack

aws cloudformation delete-stack  --stack-name generate-responsive-images --profile responsive-images


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