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CMake-based build system plugin


This project holds CMake-based plugin for building C++ (or C) based projects.


Basic repository layout

See basic layout in buildsys-common documentation.

Setup submodule(s)

Inside your project root add buildsys-cmake repository (this) as a submodule into externals/buildsystem/cmake.

git submodule add ../buildsys-cmake externals/buildsys/cmake

This plugin depends on core build system functionality. If you have not added buildsys-common to your project yet you have to do it now.

git submodule add ../buildsys-common externals/buildsys/common

Link buildsys to your project component

Move to your component root under the project root and create a buildsys symlink:

cd component
ln -s ../externals/buildsys

Use buildsys-cmake as a main build system

If your component uses buildsys-cmake as a desired build system symlink provided file into component and produce a CMakeLists.txt for it.

cd component
ln -s buildsys/cmake/ Makefile

Components's CMakeLists.txt

To be able to use CMake build system you need to produce top-level CMakeLists.txt in component's root. This file must start with:

# bootstrap build system
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)

where component-name is the name of your component, e.g. vts-tools.

NB: If you do not call project macro directly CMake will do it for you but this buildsys-common will reject your setup in this case.

Source files layout

Source files are expected to reside under component's src/ directory (this directory is automatically added to include path). Sources should be placed to subdirectories under src/. Each subdirectory represents a module, e.g. a library or a binary.


component/src/component-helper    # sources for helper library
component/src/component           # component's sources

Modules's CMakeLists.txt

A module (src/ subdirectory) should produce its own CMakeLists.txt snippet that is plugged into component's CMakeLists.txt using add_subdirectory macro:


External buildsys-cmake-based libraries

All buildsys-cmake-based external libraries are externally provided modules and thus they should be checked out as a submodule to top-level externals directory alongside the build system and its source directory should be linked under src/ and plugged in via add_subdierectory macro (see above).

For example, to include libdbglog library into your project use this layout:

externals/libdbglog                                       # libdbglog as a submodule
component/src/dbglog -> ../../externals/libdbglog/dbglog  # symlink to dbglog library sources

Module's CMakeLists.txt