- Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Full-stack Applications
- Social media links
- Commands used to build the project
- Follow me
Micro-service application with Eureka, Gateway, Config Server, and Rest Crud with Swagger. Start first the Config Server, then Eureka, then the others, then perform CRUD requests like the dozens of similar applications I published on my Github.(GET /api/todos, etc.)
- Python Django + Rest Framework
- Python Django
- Python Flask
- Asp.Net Core
- Asp.Net Core + MediatR
- Asp.Net Core + NHibernate
- Asp.Net Core + ADO.Net
- Asp.Net Core + Dapper
- Asp.Net Web Api 2
- Asp.Net Web Api 2 + NHibernate
- Asp.Net Web Api 2 + ADO.Net
- Asp.Net Web Api 2 + Autofac
- Asp.Net Web Api 2 + Dapper
- Laravel
- Ruby On Rails
- Ruby On Rails + JBuilder
- Spring Boot + Spring Data JPA
- Spring Boot + Spring Data MonoDb
- Spring Boot + Reactive Spring Data MonoDb + Basic Auth
- Kotlin Spring Boot + Reactive Spring Data MonoDb + Basic Auth
- Kotlin Spring Boot + Spring Data MonoDb
- Kotlin Spring Boot + Spring Data JPA
- Spring Boot + JAX-RS(Jersey) + Spring Data JPA
- Spring Boot Reactive + MongoDB Reactive
- Kotlin Spring Boot Reactive + MongoDB Reactive
- Java Spring Boot Web Reactive + Spring Data
- Kotlin Spring Boot Web Reactive + Spring Data
- Go + GORM
- Go + GinGonic + GORM
- Go + Gorilla + GORM
- Go + Beego(Web and ORM)
- Go + Beego + GORM
- Express.JS + Sequelize ORM
- Express.JS + BookShelf ORM
- Express.JS + Mongoose
- Java Spring Boot Zuul + Rest
- Kotlin Spring Boot Zuul + Rest
- Java Spring Cloud Eureka + Gateway + EurekaClient Proxy + Rest
- Java Spring Cloud Eureka + Gateway + LoadBalancedRest Proxy + Rest
- Java Spring Cloud Eureka + Gateway + Cloud Stream RabbitMQ + Admin + Rest
- Java Spring Cloud Eureka + Gateway + Config + Rest Swagger
- Java Spring Cloud Eureka + Config Server + Zuul + Kafka + Discovery Client Proxy + Rest
- Angular NgRx-Store
- Angular + Material
- React + Material
- React + Redux + Material
- Vue + Material
- Vue + Vuex + Material
- Ember
- Vanilla javascript
- AspNet Core
- Asp.Net Core + NHibernate
- Asp.Net Core + MediatR
- Asp.Net Core + ADO.Net
- Asp.Net Core + Dapper
- Asp.Net Web Api 2
- Asp.Net Web Api 2 + NHibernate
- Asp.Net Web Api 2 + ADO.Net
- Asp.Net Web Api 2 + Autofac
- Asp.Net Web Api 2 + Dapper
- Spring Boot + Spring Data + Jersey
- Spring Boot + Spring Data
- Spring Boot + Spring Data MonoDb
- Kotlin Spring Boot + Spring Data MonoDb
- Spring Boot Reactive + Spring Data Reactive
- Java Spring Boot Web Reactive + Spring Data
- Kotlin Spring Boot Reactive + MongoDB Reactive
- Kotlin Spring Boot Web Reactive + Spring Data
- Spring Boot + Reactive Spring Data MonoDb + Basic Auth
- Kotlin Spring Boot + Reactive Spring Data MonoDb + Basic Auth
- Go + GORM
- Go + Gin Gonic + GORM
- Go + Gorilla + GORM
- Go + Beego(Web and ORM)
- Go + Beego(Web) + GORM)
- Laravel
- Rails + JBuilder
- Rails
- NodeJs Express + Sequelize
- NodeJs Express + Bookshelf
- NodeJs Express + Mongoose
- Python Django
- Python Django + Rest Framework
- Python Flask
- NodeJs Express + Knex
- Flask + Flask-Restful
- Laravel + Fractal
- Laravel + ApiResources
- Go with Mux
- AspNet Web Api 2
- Jersey
- Elixir
- Angular NgRx-Store
- Angular + Material
- React + Material
- React + Redux + Material
- Vue + Material
- Vue + Vuex + Material
- Ember
- Vanilla javascript
- Spring Boot + Spring Data Hibernate
- Spring Boot + JAX-RS Jersey + Spring Data Hibernate
- Node Js + Sequelize
- Node Js + Bookshelf
- Node Js + Mongoose
- Python Django
- Flask
- Golang go gonic
- Ruby on Rails
- AspNet Core
- Laravel
The next to come are:
- Spring Boot + Spring Data Hibernate + Kotlin
- Spring Boot + Jax-RS Jersey + Hibernate + Kotlin
- Spring Boot + mybatis
- Spring Boot + mybatis + Kotlin
- Asp.Net Web Api v2
- Elixir
- Golang + Beego
- Golang + Iris
- Golang + Echo
- Golang + Mux
- Golang + Revel
- Golang + Kit
- Flask + Flask-Restful
- AspNetCore + NHibernate
- AspNetCore + Dapper
This client side E-commerce application is also implemented using other client side technologies:
- Angular NgRx-Store
- Angular + Material
- React + Material
- React + Redux + Material
- Vue + Material
- Vue + Vuex + Material
- Ember
- Youtube Channel I publish videos mainly on programming
- Blog Sometimes I publish the source code there before Github
- Twitter I share tips on programming
- Instagram I share from time to time nice banners