An algorithm to mine (frequent) closed numerical patterns and their generators (convex hulls)
Revisiting numerical pattern mining: Extracting Closed Patterns and their Generators M. Kaytoue, S. O. Kuznetsov, A. Napoli, Published at IJCAI 2O11
This eclipse project contains the java source files of algorithms designed and/or used in the submitted paper.
The original part lies in classes MinIntChangeC, MinInt-ChangeGHash, and MinIntChangeGTrie (package algorithms).
To run experiments, the best way to proceed is as follow
Download Eclipse (
Import the project Archive
Edit the class for setting up your argments (not in command line :))
Run the main from the class Main
Note: Allocate memory for the java virtual machine (JVM)
- Menu "Run"
- sub-menu "Run Configurations..."
- Configuration "Main"
- Tab "Arguments"
- Field "VM arguments"
- add, e.g. -Xmx2560M to allocate 2.5GB of memory.