A chatbot to learn about personal finance.
About • Team • Technology We Used • Design • Get Started
We empower our users to be more financially independent by gamifying the learning journey to financial literacy through a curated planning feature, suggestions for resources, and other initiatives.
Our frontend consists of a web application with a chatbot interface that interacts with the user.
You can see the code for the API and bot (built using Natural Language Processing/machine learning) here
- Language: Javascript
- Framework: React
- Testing framework
- End-to-end integration tests: Cypress
- Unit tests: Jest, Enzyme
- Networking: axios (for GET/POST requests to API)
- Chatbot API: Python/Django (view here)
- Servers: Heroku
The user can interact with the chatbot. When the user inputs text, an HTTP request is sent to the API to fetch a response through axios. The API then receives the user input, parses the text through the Natural Language Processing model, and generates JSON bot responses.
Frontend: https://finbot-fe.herokuapp.com/ API: https://finbot--api.herokuapp.com/
After cloning the program, install npm:
$ npm install
$ npm start
Direct your browser to http://localhost:3000
Directions on how to launch the backend server can be found here