This repo with some of my machine learning Projects , Enjoy it
Contact : [email protected]
In this project, I tried to develop a machine learning model that tries to detect if a customer is single, married or divorced by understanding their behavior in the market. Go ahead and enjoy the project, the accuracy is not more than 70% because the data is small and unbalanced.
Data Preparation :
- Cleaning
- Clustring
- Feature engineering
Models :
- Naive Bayes
- Random Forest
In this project, I developed two models of natural language analysis. The first one is clustring, where I instruct the machine to differentiate between macroeconomic and microeconomic information.The second model is the financial sentiment understanding of information such as good or bad news in the financial market
Data Preparation :
- Cleanning : regex , tokonizer
- Transform : Word to vec
Models :
- Clustering
- Random forset poor accuracy
- Neural Network with 72% accuracy