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Note: This repository is based on ademaria/ubuntu-ec2net, updated and adapted for our personal usage.
Port of Amazon's ec2-net-utils scripts to Debian/Ubuntu for automatically configuring additional AWS Elastic Network Interfaces.
The main change right now is that this tool now supports Predictable Network Interface Names.
The following features was implemented over ademaria's package:
- Add support to Predictable Network Interface Names
- IPv6 support
- Improve Logging
- ec2ifscan was ported
- Now it detects interfaces attached on stopped instance
This repository isn't a ubuntu package yet. To install, you need to clone this repository and install.
git clone
cd ubuntu-ec2net
make install
- Create a minimum documentation
- Transform this repository in a package to ubuntu
This tools don't touch your primary network interface. If you've enabled IP66 on this interface and want to have IPv6 assigned to it by DHCP, you should configure manually your cloud-init by adding this configuration lines:
version: 2
# Use eth0 or ens3 depending on Predictable Network Interface Names
dhcp4: true
dhcp6: true
This configuration may be added either on your instance user data or inside the /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/