Control Systems
Lab 1: Familiarization with Experiment Systems
- Become familiar with the lab equipment (ECP Model 220 system), software, and procedures to obtain typical system responses.
- Use MATLAB for control system applications, including analyzing data and simulating control systems.
- Obtain open-loop and closed-loop responses of the position control system.
- Determine the parameters (J, B, and K) of a mechanical first-order system and calculate the system model.
- Illustrate the basic principles of system identification using open-loop and closed-loop responses.
- Verify system modeling by using MATLAB functions.
Lab 3: Improving System Performance
- Study how to improve system performance using PD, PI, and PID control.
- Learn how to eliminate steady-state error caused by disturbance inputs.
- Implement PID control configurations and analyze their effects on system stability and performance.
Lab 4: Transient and Frequency Response
- Study the transient response of open-loop and closed-loop systems.
- Analyze the frequency response of first-order and second-order systems, determining the cut-off frequency.
- Evaluate the effect of different control strategies on system stability and performance.
Homework 1: Control System Fundamentals
- Sketch a block diagram of an automobile’s feedback control system and discuss how it can be fully automated.
- Analyze why closed-loop control is preferred over open-loop control for most physical systems.
- Work with nonlinear dynamical models, implement them in Simulink, and compare nonlinear and linearized models.
Homework 2: System Responses and Analysis
- Compute time constants, rise time, and settling time for various systems.
- Analyze step responses of second-order systems using MATLAB and compute various parameters like damping ratio, natural frequency, and overshoot.
- Evaluate the poles of systems based on specific performance criteria.
Homework 3: Stability and Control System Analysis
- Analyze third-order and fourth-order systems for stability and BIBO stability using the Routh-Hurwitz criterion.
- Design controllers using MATLAB to achieve specified step-response characteristics.
- Implement and simulate control systems in Simulink and analyze their stability and performance.
Homework 4: Feedback Control Design
- Design a controller using MATLAB’s rltool to achieve specific performance criteria in a feedback control system.
- Draw Bode plots and analyze the frequency response of given transfer functions.
- Compare designed control systems with performance specifications and discuss the effectiveness of the designs.