Releases: mdesalvo/OWLSharp
Releases · mdesalvo/OWLSharp
(MISC) Code quality and performance optimizations applied across the entire codebase (#58)
(FIX) Typo in LoadIRIAnnotations affecting loading of owl:versionIRI annotations (23f9951)
(NEW) Added ability to apply reasoner-aware SPARQL queries to ontologies (#57)
(NEW) Added TIME reasoner with 24 Allen-based temporal inference rules (#54)
(NEW) Added TIME validator with 19 Allen-based temporal analysis rules (#55)
(MISC) Code cleanups and general performance improvements:
(NEW) Added TIME extension for modeling temporal features (#46)
(NEW) Easier modeling of geospatial features with GEOEntity abstraction (#53)
(FIX) Crash when loading object property expressions from graph (#51)
(NEW) Completed porting of SKOS extension (#42, #45)
(NEW) Added GEO extension for modeling geospatial features (#44)
(NEW) Enhanced usability with addition of ontology declarer facilities (#48)
(NEW) Added compatibility trick for deserializing skos:OrderedCollection from RDF (#43)
(MISC) Code cleanups and improvements:
(NEW) Added SKOS extension for validating SKOS aspects of an ontology (#38)
(NEW) Enhanced SubClassOf validation with support for scanning local cardinality constraints (#39)
(NEW) Added ability to export an ontology without considering inferred axioms (#40)
(NEW) Added method ResolveImportsAsync to dereference ontology import directives (#37 )
(FIX) ImportAsync method should work on Imports dimension rather than Annotations (#35)
(FIX) Exporting an ontology should not consider imported axioms/rules (#36)
(FIX) Registered custom builtIns were tied to their initial arguments (#41)
(NEW) Added support for modeling, exchanging and executing SWRL rules (#31)
(FIX) Errata in OWL2/XML specs on DataSomeValuesFrom and DataAllValuesFrom expressions (#33)
This is a major redesign milestone focusing on a set of core pillars (and learned lessons):
- OWL2/XML: W3C datamodel for representing OWL2 ontologies, at the core of the library expressivity
- Protégé: standard de-facto IDE for ontologists, used as functional test platform of the project
- Async API to help development of efficient and modern .NET solutions