This is simple half duplex radio communication device built with CC1101 module and Arduino Pro Micro (3.3V / 8MHz) using SmartRC library You simply connect your Arduino Pro Micro (Arduino Leonardo clone from Sparkfun) to USB port of your PC and launch Putty terminal to communicate over USB Serial port ( /dev/ttyACM0 port in Linux, COMxx in Windows). Also you may connect this device to Android OTG USB port in your smartphone and use USB Serial Terminal application ( set option CDC driver).
The code uses SmartRC library (modified Electrohouse library by Little_S@tan) which allows to customize ALL transmission parameters in human readable format without using SmartRF studio from TI (CC1101 parameter customization tool). To use it please download following ZIP library from following github link and attach it to the script in Arduino IDE.
Arduino Pro Micro board ( ATMEGA32U4 chip ) must support 3.3Volt VCC and 3.3V TTL logic because this is required by CC1101 board, otherwise you will fry CC1101 chip. Please follow this guide to setup your Arduino environment for Arduino Pro Micro board :
If you are having issues with uploading the code from Arduino IDE to the board, after pressing "Upload" in Arduino you have to immediatelly short GND+RST pins two times in few seconds. Then bootloader in Arduino Pro Micro will start (common issue) and upload will begin.
Connections to be made :
DIGITAL PIN 3 ( PD0 / INT0 ) <-> CC1101 GDO0
DIGITAL PIN 9 ( PB5 ) <-> CC1101 GDO2
DIGITAL PIN 10 ( PB6 ) <-> CC1101 CSN / CS / SS
DIGITAL PIN 16 ( PB2 / MOSI ) <-> CC1101 MOSI
DIGITAL PIN 14 ( PB3 / MISO ) <-> CC1101 MISO
DIGITAL PIN 15 ( PB1 / SCK ) <-> CC1101 SCLK / CLK
VCC 3.3V <-> CC1101 VCC
GND <-> CC1101 GND
The video showing how this device works is available here :