This project has been created with the intention of testing the performance of ISO 8583 servers for financial transactions.
-v, --verbose Set output to verbose messages.
-s, --server Required. This can be Ip Address or FQDN
-p, --port (Default: 5005) Server port (Default port 5005)
-t, --usetls (Default: false) The transport is TLS or not
-b, --batch (Default: 10) The messages parallel batch that will be send to the server
-q, --quantity (Default: 100) The total messages that will be send to the server
--help Display this help screen.
--version Display version information.
If the option -v or --verbose is set the progress bar won't be appear.
Example: dotnet StressTestISO8583Server.dll -s -p 5005 -q 1000 -b 10 -t -v