Slam Mirror Bot is a multipurpose Telegram Bot written in Python for mirroring files on the Internet to our beloved Google Drive. Based on python-aria-mirror-bot
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- qBittorrent
- Leech supported
- Thumbnail supported
- Size limiting for Torrent/Direct, Tar/Unzip, Mega and clone
- Stop duplicates for all tasks except for qBittorrent and youtube-dl tasks
- Tar/Unzip G-Drive link
- Select files from Torrent before downloading using qbittorrent
- Sudo with or without Database
- Multiple Trackers support
- Extracting tar.xz support
- Counting files/folders from Google Drive link
- View Link button instead of direct download link
- Shell and Executor
- Speedtest
- Status Pages for unlimited tasks
- Clone status
- Search in multiple Drive folder/TD
- Many bugs has been fixed
- Torrent search Supported:
nyaa.si, sukebei, 1337x, piratebay,
tgx, yts, eztv, torlock, rarbg
- Direct links Supported:
letsupload.io, hxfile.co, anonfiles.com, bayfiles.com, antfiles,
fembed.com, fembed.net, femax20.com, layarkacaxxi.icu, fcdn.stream,
sbplay.org, naniplay.com, naniplay.nanime.in, naniplay.nanime.biz, sbembed.com,
streamtape.com, streamsb.net, feurl.com, pixeldrain.com, racaty.net,
1fichier.com, 1drv.ms (Only works for file not folder or business account),
uptobox.com (Uptobox account must be premium), solidfiles.com
- Mirroring direct download links, Torrent, and Telegram files to Google Drive
- Mirroring Mega.nz links to Google Drive (If you have non-premium Mega account, it will limit download to 5GB per 6 hours)
- Copy files from someone's Drive to your Drive (Using Autorclone)
- Download/Upload progress, Speeds and ETAs
- Mirror all Youtube-dl supported links
- Docker support
- Uploading to Team Drive
- Index Link support
- Service Account support
- Delete files from Drive
- Shortener support
- Custom Filename (Only for direct links, Telegram files and Youtube-dl. Not for Mega links and Torrents)
- Extracting and downloading password protected index links. See these examples:
- Extract these filetypes and uploads to Google Drive
Deploying is pretty much straight forward and is divided into several steps as follows:
- Clone this repo:
git clone https://github.com/breakdowns/slam-mirrorbot mirrorbot/
cd mirrorbot
- Install requirements For Debian based distros
sudo apt install python3
Install Docker by following the official Docker docs
sudo snap install docker
- For Arch and it's derivatives:
sudo pacman -S docker python
- Install dependencies for running setup scripts:
pip3 install -r requirements-cli.txt
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1. Using ElephantSQL
- Go to https://elephantsql.com and create account (skip this if you already have ElephantSQL account)
- Hit
Create New Instance
- Follow the further instructions in the screen
- Hit
Select Region
- Hit
- Hit
Create instance
- Select your database name
- Copy your database url, and fill to
in config
2. Using Heroku PostgreSQL
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cp config_sample.env config.env
- Remove the first line saying:
Fill up rest of the fields. Meaning of each field is discussed below:
: The Telegram Bot Token that you got from @BotFatherTELEGRAM_API
: This is to authenticate your Telegram account for downloading Telegram files. You can get this from https://my.telegram.org. NOTE: DO NOT put this in quotes.TELEGRAM_HASH
: This is to authenticate your Telegram account for downloading Telegram files. You can get this from https://my.telegram.orgOWNER_ID
: The Telegram User ID (not username) of the Owner of the botGDRIVE_FOLDER_ID
: This is the folder ID of the Google Drive Folder to which you want to upload all the mirrors.DOWNLOAD_DIR
: The path to the local folder where the downloads should be downloaded toDOWNLOAD_STATUS_UPDATE_INTERVAL
: A short interval of time in seconds after which the Mirror progress/status message is updated. (I recommend to keep it to5
: Interval of time (in seconds), after which the bot deletes it's message (and command message) which is expected to be viewed instantly. (NOTE: Set to-1
to never automatically delete messages)
: Only if you want to load your Service Account externally from an Index Link. Archive the accounts folder to a zip file. Fill this with the direct link of that file.TOKEN_PICKLE_URL
: Only if you want to load your token.pickle externally from an Index Link. Fill this with the direct link of that file.MULTI_SEARCH_URL
: To use search/list in multiple TD/folder. Run driveid.py in your terminal and follow it. It will generate a file drive_folder when you finish. Upload that file here with the same file name. Open the raw file of that gist, it's URL will be your required config. Check wiki for gist related help.DATABASE_URL
: Your Database URL. See Generate Database to generate database (NOTE: If you use database you can save your Sudo ID permanently using/addsudo
: Fill user_id and chat_id (not username) of groups/users you want to authorize. Separate them with space, Examples:-0123456789 -1122334455 6915401739
: Fill user_id (not username) of users whom you want to give sudo permission. Separate them with space, Examples:0123456789 1122334455 6915401739
(NOTE: If you want to save Sudo ID permanently without database, you must fill your Sudo Id here).IS_TEAM_DRIVE
: Set toTrue
is from a Team Drive elseFalse
or Leave it empty.USE_SERVICE_ACCOUNTS
: (Leave empty if unsure) Whether to use Service Accounts or not. For this to work see Using Service Accounts section below.INDEX_URL
: Refer to https://gitlab.com/ParveenBhadooOfficial/Google-Drive-Index The URL should not have any trailing '/'MEGA_API_KEY
: Mega.nz API key to mirror mega.nz links. Get it from Mega SDK PageMEGA_EMAIL_ID
: Your E-Mail ID used to sign up on mega.nz for using premium account (Leave though)MEGA_PASSWORD
: Your Password for your mega.nz accountBLOCK_MEGA_FOLDER
: If you want to remove mega.nz folder support, set it toTrue
: If you want to remove mega.nz mirror support, set it toTrue
: (Leave empty if unsure) if this field is set toTrue
, bot will check file in Drive, if it is present in Drive, downloading or cloning will be stopped. (NOTE: File will be checked using filename, not using filehash, so this feature is not perfect yet)CLONE_LIMIT
: To limit the size of Google Drive folder/file which you can clone (leave space between number and unit, Available units are (gb or GB, tb or TB), Examples:100 gb, 100 GB, 10 tb, 10 TB
: To limit the size of Mega download (leave space between number and unit, available units are (gb or GB, tb or TB), Examples:100 gb, 100 GB, 10 tb, 10 TB
: To limit the Torrent/Direct mirror size, leave space between number and unit. Available units are (gb or GB, tb or TB), Examples:100 gb, 100 GB, 10 tb, 10 TB
: To limit the size of mirroring as Tar or unzipmirror. Available units are (gb or GB, tb or TB), Examples:100 gb, 100 GB, 10 tb, 10 TB
: View Link button to open file Index Link in browser instead of direct download link, you can figure out if it's compatible with your Index code or not, open any video from you Index and check if its URL ends with?a=view
, if yes make itTrue
it will work (Compatible with https://gitlab.com/ParveenBhadooOfficial/Google-Drive-Index Code)UPTOBOX_TOKEN
: Uptobox token to mirror uptobox links. Get it from Uptobox Premium Account.IGNORE_PENDING_REQUESTS
: If you want the bot to ignore pending requests after it restarts, set this toTrue
: Limit the no. of tasks shown in status message with button. (NOTE: Recommended limit is4
tasks at max).IS_VPS
: (Only for VPS) Don't set this toTrue
even if you are using VPS, unless facing error with web server.SERVER_PORT
: Only For VPS even ifIS_VPS
: (Required for Heroku to avoid sleep/idling) Valid BASE URL of app where the bot is deployed. Format of URL should behttp://myip
is the IP/Domain of your bot) or if you have chosen other port than80
then fill in this formathttp://myip:port
, for Heroku fillhttps://yourappname.herokuapp.com
(NOTE: Do not put slash at the end), still got idling? You can use http://cron-job.org to ping your Heroku app.RECURSIVE_SEARCH
: Set this toTrue
to search in sub-folders with/list
(NOTE: This will only work with Shared-Drive ID or fillroot
for main Drive. Folder IDs are not compatible with it.)TG_SPLIT_SIZE
: Size Telegram split, leave it empty for max size2GB
: Should all the upload to Telegram be forced as documents or not, set itTrue
: Fill your Shortener API key if you are using Shortener.SHORTENER
: if you want to use Shortener in G-Drive and index link, fill Shortener URL here. Examples:
exe.io, gplinks.in, shrinkme.io, urlshortx.com, shortzon.com, bit.ly,
shorte.st, linkvertise.com , ouo.io
Above are the supported URL Shorteners. Except these only some URL Shorteners are supported.
Three buttons are already added including Drive Link, Index Link, and View Link, you can add extra buttons, if you don't know what are the below entries, simply leave them empty.
Bot commands to be set in @BotFather
- Visit the Google Cloud Console
- Go to the OAuth Consent tab, fill it, and save.
- Go to the Credentials tab and click Create Credentials -> OAuth Client ID
- Choose Desktop and Create.
- Use the download button to download your credentials.
- Move that file to the root of mirrorbot, and rename it to credentials.json
- Visit Google API page
- Search for Drive and enable it if it is disabled
- Finally, run the script to generate token.pickle file for Google Drive:
pip install google-api-python-client google-auth-httplib2 google-auth-oauthlib
python3 generate_drive_token.py
variable to 80
or any other port you want to use.
- Start Docker daemon (skip if already running):
sudo dockerd
- Build Docker image:
sudo docker build . -t mirror-bot
- Run the image:
sudo docker run -p 80:80 mirror-bot
NOTE: If you want to use port other than 80, change it in docker-compose.yml
- Using Docker-compose, you can edit and build your image in seconds:
sudo apt install docker-compose
- Build and run Docker image:
sudo docker-compose up
- After editing files with nano for example (nano start.sh):
sudo docker-compose build
sudo docker-compose up
sudo docker-compose up --build
- To stop Docker:
sudo docker ps
sudo docker stop id
- To clear the container (this will not affect the image):
sudo docker container prune
- To delete the image:
sudo docker image prune -a
- Tutorial video from Tortoolkit repo
- Deploying on Heroku with Github Workflow
- Deploying on Heroku with heroku-cli and Goorm IDE
For Service Account to work, you must set USE_SERVICE_ACCOUNTS
= "True" in config file or environment variables.
NOTE: Using Service Accounts is only recommended while uploading to a Team Drive.
Generate Service Accounts. What is Service Account
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Let us create only the Service Accounts that we need. Warning: abuse of this feature is not the aim of this project and we do NOT recommend that you make a lot of projects, just one project and 100 SAs allow you plenty of use, its also possible that over abuse might get your projects banned by Google.
NOTE: 1 Service Account can copy around 750 GB a day, 1 project can make 100 Service Accounts so that's 75 TB a day, for most users this should easily suffice.
python3 gen_sa_accounts.py --quick-setup 1 --new-only
A folder named accounts will be created which will contain keys for the Service Accounts.
Or you can create Service Accounts to current project, no need to create new one
- List your projects ids
python3 gen_sa_accounts.py --list-projects
- Enable services automatically by this command
python3 gen_sa_accounts.py --enable-services $PROJECTID
- Create Sevice Accounts to current project
python3 gen_sa_accounts.py --create-sas $PROJECTID
- Download Sevice Accounts as accounts folder
python3 gen_sa_accounts.py --download-keys $PROJECTID
If you want to add Service Accounts to Google Group, follow these steps
- Mount accounts folder
cd accounts
- Grab emails form all accounts to emails.txt file that would be created in accounts folder
grep -oPh '"client_email": "\K[^"]+' *.json > emails.txt
- Unmount acounts folder
cd -
Then add emails from emails.txt to Google Group, after that add Google Group to your Shared Drive and promote it to manager.
NOTE: If you have created SAs in past from this script, you can also just re download the keys by running:
python3 gen_sa_accounts.py --download-keys project_id
- Run:
python3 add_to_team_drive.py -d SharedTeamDriveSrcID
Youtube-dl authentication using .netrc file
For using your premium accounts in Youtube-dl or for protected Index Links, edit the netrc file according to following format:
machine host login username password my_youtube_password
For Index Link with only password without username, even http auth will not work, so this is the solution.
machine example.workers.dev password index_password
Where host is the name of extractor (eg. Youtube, Twitch). Multiple accounts of different hosts can be added each separated by a new line.
Thanks to:
heavily inspired from his Telegram Bot written in TypescriptIzzy12
for build up of this bot from scratchjaskaranSM
for build up of this bot from scratchDank-del
for base repomagneto261290
for some featuresSVR666
for some features & fixesbreakdowns
for slam-mirrorbotzevtyardt
for some direct linksyash-dk
for implementation of qBittorrent on Pythonxyou365
for Service Accounts script
And many more people who aren't mentioned here, but can be found in Contributors.