Deploys a pyramid project that includes SQLAlchemy, alembic, gunicorn, supervisor, celery, RabbitMQ, redis(result backend). A python script that is based on the pyramid_alembic_mako scaffold.
* Python 2.7
* virtualenv
* redis
* msmtp
* rabbitmq
* nginx
cd kifu
./ -n foo -s
cd foo_env/foo
../bin/pserve development.ini
web browser:
user: admin
pass: admin
Update your system:
sudo apt-get update
Install your compiler:
sudo apt-get install gcc
Install git:
sudo apt-get install git
Install virtualenv:
curl -O
tar zxvf virtualenv-1.10.1.tar.gz
cd virtualenv-1.10.1/
sudo python install
Install pyyaml:
curl -O
tar zxvf PyYAML-3.10.tar.gz
cd PyYAML-3.10.tar.gz/
sudo python install
curl -O
tar xzvf pip-1.5.6.tar.gz
cd pip-1.5.6
sudo python install
pip install pyyaml
Install Python headers:
sudo apt-get install python-dev
Install bcrypt dependencies:
sudo apt-get install libffi-dev
git clone
sudo python install
Install linuxbrew
sudo apt-get install build-essential curl git ruby libbz2-dev libexpat-dev
Add to your .bashrc or .zshrc:
export PATH="$HOME/.linuxbrew/bin:$PATH"
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$HOME/.linuxbrew/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
Install this script:
git clone
Install developer tools from
Install virtualenv:
curl -O
tar zxvf virtualenv-1.10.1.tar.gz
cd virtualenv-1.10.1/
sudo python install
Install pyyaml:
curl -O
tar zxvf PyYAML-3.10.tar.gz
cd PyYAML-3.10.tar.gz/
sudo python install
curl -O
tar xzvf pip-1.5.6.tar.gz
cd pip-1.5.6
sudo python install
pip install pyyaml
Install libffi and set it up with pkg_config:
brew install libffi
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/Cellar/libffi/3.0.13/lib/pkgconfig
Install nginx:
brew install nginx
Install redis:
brew install redis
Install rabbitMQ:
brew install rabbitmq
Install msmtp
brew install msmtp
Edit the nginx.conf file in /usr/local/etc/nginx. Use the checked-in nginx.conf.sample file as a starting point. You can do nginx -t
at any time to confirm the nginx.conf file is valid.
Launch nginx on port 80:
sudo chown root /usr/local/opt/nginx/homebrew.mxcl.nginx.plist
sudo chmod 644 /usr/local/opt/nginx/homebrew.mxcl.nginx.plist
sudo launchctl load /usr/local/opt/nginx/homebrew.mxcl.nginx.plist
In a terminal window, launch redis-server.
In a terminal window launch rabbitMQ.
Clone the kifu repo locally. Run and create a project called foo
./ -s -n foo
The script will in a virtual environment:
* install the Pyramid web framework
* install the pyramid_alembic_mako template scaffolding, installing SQLAlchemy
* install the alembic database migration package, and initialize it
* install the celery distributed task queue
* output the necessary changes required to the nginx.conf file to run the foo app
* install gunicorn
* install supervisor
* execute the template pyramid foo webapp as gunicorn processes from supervisor
In another terminal window, cd to path/to/foo_env/foo and initialize celery by doing:
../bin/celery worker --app=foo.queue -l debug
Edit nginx.conf file to point to the foo webapp.
Unload and load nginx.
sudo launchctl unload /usr/local/opt/nginx/homebrew.mxcl.nginx.plist
sudo launchctl load /usr/local/opt/nginx/homebrew.mxcl.nginx.plist
View the webapp in a web browser by going to http://localhost/
Confirm that celery is queuing tasks to rabbitMQ and storing them in redis by looking at the celery console.
[2013-11-09 22:35:56,431: INFO/MainProcess] Task foo.queue.tasks.add[2910b3a8-cc4d-46ed-86f5-856316cb2597] succeeded in 0.0907590389252s: 8
In another terminal window, cd to path/to/foo_env/foo and launch in production mode by doing:
../bin/supervisord -n -c supervisord.conf
In another terminal window, cd to path/to/foo_env/foo and launch in development mode by doing:
../bin/pserve development.ini