Movie Stack gives you the overview of Movies TV shows & Actors from the largest community network The Movie Database (TMDb), like IMDB. You can discover movies and TV series, or browse through many categories to get the right information.
In this project, I will use Android with Kotlin, MVVM, Dagger 2, RxJava/RxAndroid, Databinding, Retrofit, Pagination & Android JetPack.
App Features:
- Discover trending Movies, TV shows & Persons.
- Discover Popular Movies, TV shows & Persons.
- Discover Top rated Movies, TV shows & Persons.
- Search your desired Movies, TV shows & Persons.
- Make your desired Movies, TV shows List.
- Make a bookmark of Movies & TV shows and many more.
Add your API key in file.
tmdb_api_key = YOUR_API_KEY
If you don't have tmdb api key you can create new key from here.
Please fork this repository and contribute back using pull requests.
Any contributions, large or small, major features, bug fixes, are welcomed and appreciated but will be thoroughly reviewed .