Basic Child Theme for UnderStrap Theme Framework:
It shares with the parent theme all PHP files and adds its own functions.php on top of the UnderStrap parent themes functions.php.
IT DID NOT LOAD THE PARENT THEMES CSS FILE(S)! Instead it uses the UnderStrap Parent Theme as dependency via npm and compiles its own CSS file from it.
Uses the Enqueue method the load and sort the CSS file the right way instead of the old @import method.
- Install the parent theme UnderStrap first:
- IMPORTANT: If you download it from GitHub make sure you rename the "" file just to "" or you might have problems using this child themes !!
- Just upload the understrap-child folder to your wp-content/themes directory
- Go into your WP admin backend
- Go to "Appearance -> Themes"
- Activate the UnderStrap Child theme
Add your own CSS styles to /sass/theme/_child_theme.scss or import you own files into /sass/theme/understrap-child.scss
To overwrite Bootstrap or UnderStraps base variables just add your own value to: /sass/theme/_child_theme_variables.scss
For example: the "$brand-primary" variable is used by both, Bootstrap and UnderStrap. Add your own color like: $brand-primary: #ff6600; in /sass/theme/_child_theme_variables.scss to overwrite it. That will change automatically all elements who use this variable. It will be outputted into: /css/understrap-child.min.css and /css/understrap-child.css
So you have one clean CSS file at the end and just one request.
- Make sure you have installed Node.js, Gulp, and Browser-Sync [1] on your computer globally
- Then open your terminal and browse to the location of your UnderStrap copy
- Run:
$ npm install
then:$ gulp copy-assets
To work and compile your Sass files on the fly start:
$ gulp watch
Or, to run with Browser-Sync:
- First change the browser-sync options to reflect your environment in the file
in the beginning of the file:
var browserSyncOptions = {
proxy: "localhost/theme_test/", // <----- CHANGE HERE
notify: false
- then run:
$ gulp watch-bs
[1] Visit for more information on Browser Sync