Watch your shit, son, we Hobo now! Gotta catch them all!... and tie RAZORBLADES to their claws an' shit!
Dogfighting adventure written in python, using pyGame and pyCairo.
Library Dependencies for Windows:
- PyGame :
- pyCairo :
- numPy :
- PIL :
I setup everything using the Homebrew package manager, and pip with brew's python 2.x distribution. Be sure that /usr/local/bin has presidence in your path.
###Install PyGame
brew install python
brew install hg
brew install sdl sdl_image sdl_mixer sdl_ttf smpeg portmidi
pip install hg+
###Install pyCairo
brew install ciaro pyCairo
###Install numPy
pip install numPy
###Install PIL
pip install PIL