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remote_id: open drone id plugin interface
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persuader72 committed Jan 23, 2024
1 parent a10b832 commit 415ab27
Showing 1 changed file with 294 additions and 0 deletions.
294 changes: 294 additions & 0 deletions protos/remote_id/remote_id.proto
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
syntax = "proto3";

package mavsdk.rpc.remote_id;

import "mavsdk_options.proto";

option java_package = "io.mavsdk.remote_id";
option java_outer_classname = "RemoteIdProto";

service RemoteIdService {
* Update the BasicId structure sent with the basic_id packet
rpc SetBasicId(SetBasicIdRequest) returns(SetBasicIdResponse) { option (mavsdk.options.async_type) = SYNC; }
* Update the Location structure sent with the location packet
rpc SetLocation(SetLocationRequest) returns(SetLocationResponse) { option (mavsdk.options.async_type) = SYNC; }
* Update the LocationAccuracy structure sent with the location_accuracy packet
rpc SetLocationAccuracy(SetLocationAccuracyRequest) returns(SetLocationAccuracyResponse) { option (mavsdk.options.async_type) = SYNC; }
* Update the System structure sent with the system packet
rpc SetSystem(SetSystemRequest) returns(SetSystemResponse) { option (mavsdk.options.async_type) = SYNC; }
* Update the OperatorId structure sent with the operator_id packet
rpc SetOperatorId(SetOperatorIdRequest) returns(SetOperatorIdResponse) { option (mavsdk.options.async_type) = SYNC; }
* Update the SetSelfId structure sent with the self_id packet
rpc SetSelfId(SetSelfIdRequest) returns(SetSelfIdResponse) { option (mavsdk.options.async_type) = SYNC; }
* Subscribe to arm status updates.
rpc SubscribeArmStatus(SubscribeArmStatusRequest) returns(stream ArmStatusResponse) {}

message SetBasicIdRequest {
BasicId basic_id = 1; // Desired basic_id
message SetBasicIdResponse {
RemoteIdResult remote_id_result = 1;

message SetLocationRequest {
Location location = 1; // Desired location
message SetLocationResponse {
RemoteIdResult remote_id_result = 1;

message SetLocationAccuracyRequest {
LocationAccuracy location_accuracy = 1; // Desidered location
message SetLocationAccuracyResponse {
RemoteIdResult remote_id_result = 1;

message SetSystemRequest {
SystemId system = 1; // Desired system
message SetSystemResponse {
RemoteIdResult remote_id_result = 1;

message SetOperatorIdRequest {
OperatorId system = 1; // Desired operator_id
message SetOperatorIdResponse {
RemoteIdResult remote_id_result = 1;

message SetSelfIdRequest {
SelfId self_id = 1; // Desired self_id
message SetSelfIdResponse {
RemoteIdResult remote_id_result = 1;

message SubscribeArmStatusRequest { }
message ArmStatusResponse {
ArmStatus arm_status = 1;

message BasicId {
enum IdType {
ID_TYPE_NONE = 0; // No type defined.
ID_TYPE_SERIAL_NUMBER = 1; // Manufacturer Serial Number (ANSI/CTA-2063 format).
ID_TYPE_CAA_REGISTRATION_ID = 2; // CAA (Civil Aviation Authority) registered ID. Format: [ICAO Country Code].[CAA Assigned ID].
ID_TYPE_UTM_ASSIGNED_UUID = 3; // UTM (Unmanned Traffic Management) assigned UUID (RFC4122).
ID_TYPE_SPECIFIC_SESSION_ID = 4; // A 20 byte ID for a specific flight/session.

enum UasType {
UAS_TYPE_NONE = 0; // No UA (Unmanned Aircraft) type defined.
UAS_TYPE_AEROPLANE = 1; // Aeroplane/Airplane. Fixed wing.
UAS_TYPE_HELICOPTER_OR_MULTIROTOR = 2; // Helicopter or multirotor.
UAS_TYPE_GYROPLANE = 3; // Gyroplane.
UAS_TYPE_HYBRID_LIFT = 4; // VTOL (Vertical Take-Off and Landing). Fixed wing aircraft that can take off vertically.
UAS_TYPE_ORNITHOPTER = 5; // Ornithopter.
UAS_TYPE_GLIDER = 6; // Glider.
UAS_TYPE_KITE = 7; // Kite.
UAS_TYPE_FREE_BALLOON = 8; // Free Balloon.
UAS_TYPE_CAPTIVE_BALLOON = 9; // Captive Balloon.
UAS_TYPE_AIRSHIP = 10; // Airship. E.g. a blimp.
UAS_TYPE_FREE_FALL_PARACHUTE = 11; // Free Fall/Parachute (unpowered).
UAS_TYPE_ROCKET = 12; // Rocket.
UAS_TYPE_TETHERED_POWERED_AIRCRAFT = 13; // Tethered powered aircraft.
UAS_TYPE_GROUND_OBSTACLE = 14; // Ground Obstacle.
UAS_TYPE_OTHER = 15; // Other type of aircraft not listed earlier.

IdType id_type = 1; // Indicates the format for the uas_id field of this message.
UasType ua_type = 2; // Indicates the type of UA (Unmanned Aircraft).
string uas_id = 3; // UAS ID following the format specified by id_type.

message Location {
enum Status {
STATUS_UNDECLARED = 0; // The status of the (UA) Unmanned Aircraft is undefined.
STATUS_GROUND = 1; // The UA is on the ground.
STATUS_AIRBORNE = 2; // The UA is in the air.
STATUS_EMERGENCY = 3; // The UA is having an emergency.
STATUS_REMOTE_ID_SYSTEM_FAILURE = 4; // The remote ID system is failing or unreliable in some way.

enum HeightRef {
HEIGHT_REF_OVER_TAKEOFF = 0; // The height field is relative to the take-off location.
HEIGHT_REF_OVER_GROUND = 1; // The height field is relative to ground.

Status status = 1; // Indicates whether the unmanned aircraft is on the ground or in the air.
uint32 direction_deg = 2; // Direction over ground measured clockwise from true North: 0 - 359 deg.
float speed_horizontal_m_s = 3; // Ground speed in meters per second. Positive only.
float speed_vertical_m_s = 4; // The vertical speed in meters per second. Up is positive.
double latitude_deg = 5; // Current latitude of the unmanned aircraft
double longitude_deg = 6; // Current longitude of the unmanned aircraft
float altitude_barometric_m = 7; // The altitude calculated from the barometric pressure.
float altitude_geodetic_m = 8; // The geodetic altitude as defined by WGS84.
HeightRef height_reference = 9; // Indicates the reference point for the height field.
float height_m = 10; // The current height of the unmanned aircraft. As indicated by height_reference.
uint64 time_utc_us = 11; // Timestamp in UTC (since UNIX epoch) in microseconds

message LocationAccuracy {
enum HorAcc {
HOR_ACC_UNKNOWN = 0; // The horizontal accuracy is unknown.
HOR_ACC_NM_10 = 1; // The horizontal accuracy is smaller than 10 Nautical Miles. 18.52 km.
HOR_ACC_NM_4 = 2; // The horizontal accuracy is smaller than 4 Nautical Miles. 7.408 km.
HOR_ACC_NM_2 = 3; // The horizontal accuracy is smaller than 2 Nautical Miles. 3.704 km.
HOR_ACC_NM_1 = 4; // The horizontal accuracy is smaller than 1 Nautical Miles. 1.852 km.
HOR_ACC_NM_0_5 = 5; // The horizontal accuracy is smaller than 0.5 Nautical Miles. 926 m.
HOR_ACC_NM_0_3 = 6; // The horizontal accuracy is smaller than 0.3 Nautical Miles. 555.6 m.
HOR_ACC_NM_0_1 = 7; // The horizontal accuracy is smaller than 0.1 Nautical Miles. 185.2 m.
HOR_ACC_NM_0_05 = 8; // The horizontal accuracy is smaller than 0.05 Nautical Miles. 92.6 m.
HOR_ACC_METER_30 = 9; // The horizontal accuracy is smaller than 30 meter.
HOR_ACC_METER_10 = 10; // The horizontal accuracy is smaller than 10 meter.
HOR_ACC_METER_3 = 11; // The horizontal accuracy is smaller than 3 meter.
HOR_ACC_METER_1 = 12; // The horizontal accuracy is smaller than 1 meter

enum VerAcc {
VER_ACC_UNKNOWN = 0; // The vertical accuracy is unknown.
VER_ACC_METER_150 = 1; // The vertical accuracy is smaller than 150 meter.
VER_ACC_METER_45 = 2; // The vertical accuracy is smaller than 45 meter.
VER_ACC_METER_25 = 3; // The vertical accuracy is smaller than 25 meter.
VER_ACC_METER_10 = 4; // The vertical accuracy is smaller than 10 meter.
VER_ACC_METER_3 = 5; // The vertical accuracy is smaller than 3 meter.
VER_ACC_METER_1 = 6; // The vertical accuracy is smaller than 1 meter.

enum SpeedAcc {
SPEED_ACC_UNKNOWN = 0; // The speed accuracy is unknown.
SPEED_ACC_METERS_PER_SECOND_10 = 1; // The speed accuracy is smaller than 10 meters per second.
SPEED_ACC_METERS_PER_SECON_3 = 2; // The speed accuracy is smaller than 3 meters per second.
SPEED_ACC_METERS_PER_SECOND_1 = 3; // The speed accuracy is smaller than 1 meters per second.
SPEED_ACC_METERS_PER_SECOND_0_3 = 4; // The speed accuracy is smaller than 0.3 meters per second.

enum TimeAcc {
TIME_ACC_UNKNOWN= 0; // The timestamp accuracy is unknown.
TIME_ACC_SECOND_0_1= 1; // The timestamp accuracy is smaller than or equal to 0.1 second.
TIME_ACC_SECOND_0_2= 2; // The timestamp accuracy is smaller than or equal to 0.2 second.
TIME_ACC_SECOND_0_3= 3; // The timestamp accuracy is smaller than or equal to 0.3 second.
TIME_ACC_SECOND_0_4= 4; // The timestamp accuracy is smaller than or equal to 0.4 second.
TIME_ACC_SECOND_0_5= 5; // The timestamp accuracy is smaller than or equal to 0.5 second.
TIME_ACC_SECOND_0_6= 6; // The timestamp accuracy is smaller than or equal to 0.6 second.
TIME_ACC_SECOND_0_7= 7; // The timestamp accuracy is smaller than or equal to 0.7 second.
TIME_ACC_SECOND_0_8= 8; // The timestamp accuracy is smaller than or equal to 0.8 second.
TIME_ACC_SECOND_0_9= 9; // The timestamp accuracy is smaller than or equal to 0.9 second.
TIME_ACC_SECOND_1_0= 10; // The timestamp accuracy is smaller than or equal to 1.0 second.
TIME_ACC_SECOND_1_1= 11; // The timestamp accuracy is smaller than or equal to 1.1 second.
TIME_ACC_SECOND_1_2= 12; // The timestamp accuracy is smaller than or equal to 1.2 second.
TIME_ACC_SECOND_1_3= 13; // The timestamp accuracy is smaller than or equal to 1.3 second.
TIME_ACC_SECOND_1_4= 14; // The timestamp accuracy is smaller than or equal to 1.4 second.
TIME_ACC_SECOND_1_5= 15; // The timestamp accuracy is smaller than or equal to 1.5 second.

HorAcc horizontal_accuracy = 1; // The accuracy of the horizontal position.
VerAcc vertical_accuracy = 2; // The accuracy of the vertical position.
VerAcc barometer_accuracy = 3; // The accuracy of the barometric altitude.
SpeedAcc speed_accuracy = 4; // The accuracy of the horizontal and vertical speed.
TimeAcc timestamp_accuracy = 5; // The accuracy of the timestamps.

message SystemId {
enum OperatorLocationType {
OPERATOR_LOCATION_TYPE_TAKEOFF = 0; // The location/altitude of the operator is the same as the take-off location.
OPERATOR_LOCATION_TYPE_LIVE_GNSS = 1; // The location/altitude of the operator is dynamic. E.g. based on live GNSS data.
OPERATOR_LOCATION_TYPE_FIXED = 2; // The location/altitude of the operator are fixed values.

enum ClassificationType {
CLASSIFICATION_TYPE_UNDECLARED = 0; // The classification type for the UA is undeclared.
CLASSIFICATION_TYPE_EU = 1; // The classification type for the UA follows EU (European Union) specifications.

enum CategoryEu {
CATEGORY_EU_UNDECLARED = 0; // The category for the UA, according to the EU specification, is undeclared.
CATEGORY_EU_OPEN = 1; // The category for the UA, according to the EU specification, is the Open category.
CATEGORY_EU_SPECIFIC = 2; // The category for the UA, according to the EU specification, is the Specific category.
CATEGORY_EU_CERTIFIED = 3; // The category for the UA, according to the EU specification, is the Certified category.

enum ClassEu {
CLASS_EU_UNDECLARED = 0; // The class for the UA, according to the EU specification, is undeclared.
CLASS_EU_CLASS_0 = 1; // The class for the UA, according to the EU specification, is Class 0.
CLASS_EU_CLASS_1 = 2; // The class for the UA, according to the EU specification, is Class 1.
CLASS_EU_CLASS_2 = 3; // The class for the UA, according to the EU specification, is Class 2.
CLASS_EU_CLASS_3 = 4; // The class for the UA, according to the EU specification, is Class 3.
CLASS_EU_CLASS_4 = 5; // The class for the UA, according to the EU specification, is Class 4.
CLASS_EU_CLASS_5 = 6; // The class for the UA, according to the EU specification, is Class 5.
CLASS_EU_CLASS_6 = 7; // The class for the UA, according to the EU specification, is Class 6.

OperatorLocationType operator_location_type = 1; // Specifies the operator location type.
ClassificationType classification_type = 2; // Specifies the classification type of the UA.
double operator_latitude_deg = 3; // Latitude of the operator.
double operator_longitude_deg = 4; // Longitude of the operator.
uint32 area_count = 5; // Number of aircraft in the area.
uint32 area_radius_m = 6; // Radius of the cylindrical area of the group or formation.
float area_ceiling_m = 7; // Area Operations Ceiling relative to WGS84.
float area_floor_m = 8; // Area Operations Floor relative to WGS84.
CategoryEu category_eu = 9; // When classification_type is MAV_ODID_CLASSIFICATION_TYPE_EU, specifies the category of the UA.
ClassEu class_eu = 10; // When classification_type is MAV_ODID_CLASSIFICATION_TYPE_EU, specifies the class of the UA.
float operator_altitude_geo_m = 11; // Geodetic altitude of the operator relative to WGS84. If unknown: -1000 m.
uint64 time_utc_us = 12; // Timestamp in UTC (since UNIX epoch) in microseconds

message OperatorId {
enum OperatorIdType {
OPERATOR_ID_TYPE_CAA = 0; // CAA (Civil Aviation Authority) registered operator ID.

OperatorIdType operator_id_type = 1; // Indicates the type of the description field.
string operator_id = 2; // Text description or numeric value expressed as ASCII characters.

message SelfId {
enum DescType {
DESC_TYPE_TEXT = 0; // Optional free-form text description of the purpose of the flight.
DESC_TYPE_EMERGENCY = 1; // Optional additional clarification when status == MAV_ODID_STATUS_EMERGENCY.
DESC_TYPE_EXTENDED_STATUS = 2; // Optional additional clarification when status != MAV_ODID_STATUS_EMERGENCY.

DescType description_type = 1; // Indicates the type of the operator_id field.
string description = 2; // Text description or numeric value expressed as ASCII characters.

message ArmStatus {
enum Status {
STATUS_GOOD_TO_ARM = 0; // Passing arming checks.
STATUS_PRE_ARM_FAIL_GENERIC = 1; // Generic arming failure, see error string for details.

Status status = 1; // Status level indicating if arming is allowed.
string error = 2; // Text error message, should be empty if status is good to arm. Fill with nulls in unused portion.

// Result type.
message RemoteIdResult {
// Possible results returned for camera commands
enum Result {
RESULT_UNKNOWN = 0; // Unknown result
RESULT_SUCCESS = 1; // Command executed successfully
RESULT_ERROR = 2; // An error has occurred while executing the command

Result result = 1; // Result enum value
string result_str = 2; // Human-readable English string describing the result

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