CLI application to download video's and playlists from Youtube. Based on YoutubeExplode
YT2MP3.exe [arguments]
Show help page
-h or 'help' (Shows this page)
Download type
-v (Download a video)
-p (Download a playlist)
Set video/playlist URL or ID
-u [url] (Specify playlist or video by URL)
-i [id] (Specify playlist or video by ID)
Set output folder (optional)
-o [path] (Specify output path [optional])
Set the media type of the stream you want to download
-V (Video-only stream)
-A (Audio-only stream)
-M (Muxed stream, video and audio)
-m [mediatype] (Set by hand, accepting: 'v', 'video', 'm', 'muxed', 'a' and 'audio')
-I (Don't download, but only show information)
-t (Set mime type, like 'mp4', 'mp3', 'webm')
-s (Skip video if present in directory)
You can use multiple arguments at once, like to show info about a video by id: YT2MP3 -vIi AkRiYsTN
You can also write this as: YT2MP3 -v -I -i AkRiYsTN