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matyalatte edited this page Apr 7, 2022 · 3 revisions

1. Import .psk

You don't need to set up import options.
Just click the import button and select a psk file.
* Please note that this step will change the unit scale to 0.01.

2. Import .gltf (Optional)

.psk has shading problems due to broken normals.
So if you want perfect normals, you need to use gltf together.

Import .gltf with the gltf plugin.

3. Combine psk skeleton and gltf mesh (Optional)

If you imported gltf, you need to combine psk's armature and gltf's mesh.
Select psk's armature and gltf's armature.
Then, open the PSK/PSA panel and click Combine psk and gltf.
select_armature combine

4. Edit mesh

Edit the mesh as you like.

5. Save .blend

Save the scene as .blend before exporting.

6. Select an armature

Select the armature you want to export.

7. Export as fbx

Open the PSK/PSA panel and click Export as fbx.
You don't need to set up export options.

8. Done!

The fbx file will be generated in the same directory as .blend file