This repo has resources to create a Vitess cluster using Consul for the topology server for testing purposes.
After cloning this repo, create a minikube cluster and a namespace:
minikube start
kubectl create ns vitess
- Apply
file, it will create a consul client pod and 3 server nodes in cluster. Once it is ready you can get URL for consul UI from minikube
kubectl apply -f consul.yaml
minikube service consul-ui -n vitess
🏃 Starting tunnel for service consul-ui.
| vitess | consul-ui | | |
- Apply
file to deploy vtctld pod. It has a nginx sidecar to proxy consul requests (localhost:8500) to consul client:
kubectl apply -f vtctld.yaml
- Exec into vtctld container and run following commands:
kubectl exec --namespace vitess --stdin --tty $VTCTLD_POD_NAME -- /bin/sh
/vt/bin/vtctlclient -server localhost:15999 AddCellInfo -server_address localhost:8500 -root vitess/us_east_1 us_east_1
- Apply
file to create vttablet and mysql services (it takes 20-30 seconds for mysql to be up and running, so vttablet container might get restarted 1-2 times until then):
kubectl apply -f mysql.yaml
- Apply
to create vtgate service:
kubectl apply -f vtgate.yaml
- Exec into vtctld container to init shard master:
kubectl exec --namespace vitess --stdin --tty $VTCTLD_POD_NAME -- /bin/sh
/vt/bin/vtctlclient -server localhost:15999 InitShardPrimary -force vitess-test/0 us_east_1-1126369102
At this step after making sure every pod is up and running we port-forward :3306
from vtgate pod to our local and test connection:
kubectl port-forward pod/$VTGATE_POD_NAME 33306:3306 -n vitess
Forwarding from -> 3306
Forwarding from [::1]:33306 -> 3306
➜ ~ mysql -h127.0.0.1 -uroot -ppassw0rd -P33306
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 2
Server version: 5.7.29-32 Percona Server (GPL), Release 32, Revision 56bce88
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