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A type-safe and friendly ECS for Haskell.


  • High-performance: Components are stored by their unique sets in vector-based archetypes
  • Dynamic components: Scripts and remote interfaces can create unique components with runtime-specified components
  • Type-safe DSL: Components and systems are accessed by marker types that determine their storage
  • Modular design: Aztecs can be extended for a variety of use cases
import Control.Arrow
import Data.Aztecs
import qualified Data.Aztecs.Access as A
import qualified Data.Aztecs.System as S
import qualified Data.Aztecs.World as W

newtype Position = Position Int deriving (Show)

instance Component Position

newtype Velocity = Velocity Int deriving (Show)

instance Component Velocity

data Setup

instance System IO Setup where
  task = S.queue (A.spawn_ (Position 0 :& Velocity 1))

data Movement

instance System IO Movement where
  task = (\(Position x :& Velocity v) -> Position (x + v)) >>> print

main :: IO ()
main = do
  w <- S.runSystem @_ @Setup W.empty
  _ <- S.runSystem @_ @Movement w
  return ()


Aztecs is currently faster than bevy-ecs, a popular and high-performance ECS written in Rust, for simple mutating queries.

benchmark results: Aztecs 932us vs Bevy 6,966us


Aztecs' approach to type-safety is inspired by Bevy, but with direct archetype-based storage similar to Flecs.