Provides a client to bulk import existing iOS APNs tokens to Firebase Cloud Messaging using Google's Instance ID batch import endpoint.
Note, this is a deprecated Google API, so there is no guarantee this will work in the future.
If I get a report it's no longer working, I'll archive the project. ✌️
go get
package main
import (
func main() {
jsonCreds, err := os.ReadFile("path-to-firebase-service-account-json.credentials")
if err != nil {
client, err := iid.New("", jsonCreds, iid.WithSandbox())
if err != nil {
res, err := client.BatchImport(context.Background(), []string{"MY_APNS_TOKEN"})
if err != nil {
for _, item := range res {
You will require using Firebase service account credentials which can be downloaded from the Google Cloud Console as a JSON encoded file.
You will need to:
- Choose your Firebase Project from the Project dropdown selector (top left).
- Select and click on
IAM & Admin
>Service accounts
from the side menu. - Click on your
Firebase Admin SDK Service Agent
account within the presented table. - Click on the 'keys' tab.
- Click 'Add Key' > 'Create New Key'.
- Choose key type
, and click 'create'. - Download and use the JSON file as your service account credentials.