Dotfile repo for Linux dev boxes Adapted from various sources:
- ThoughtBot (thoughtbot/dotfiles)
- spicycode (
- al-the-x (al-the-x/homebrew-mine)
- .vimrc (VIM)
- Plugins
- Vim Utility
- Vundle (Plug-in Manager)
- Vim-Fugitive (Git wrapper)
- Vim-Airline (Footer status line)
- Vim-EasyMotion (VIM Motions)
- Code Utility
- Vim-Easy-Align (Code alignment)
- Closetag.vim (Auto-tag completion)
- Html5.vim (HTML5 omnicomplete)
- NerdTree (File system explorer)
- Vim-GitGutter (Git gutter)
- Vim-Go (Golang support)
- Vim-Elixir (Elixir support)
- Vimtex (LaTeX support)
- Vim-Jsx (JSX support)
- Vim-Javascript (Improved JS support)
- Syntastic (Syntax checker)
- NerdCommenter (Commenting support)
- Php.vim (PHP support)
- Vim Utility
- Themes
- Jellybeans
- Vim-Monokai
- Plugins
- .zshrc (Zshell)
- .gemrc ('gem' config)
- .rspec (rspec config)
- .tmux (tmux config & folder)
- When using OSX, it is recommended that
is installed. Once installed, the user will need to addPATH="$(brew --prefix coreutils)/libexec/gnubin:$PATH"
to the .profile file in order to map the GNU utils properly. WARNING: THIS MAY BREAK THINGS!!