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affeldt-aist committed Jan 9, 2025
1 parent 4fdf7ef commit 3332375
Showing 1 changed file with 244 additions and 6 deletions.
250 changes: 244 additions & 6 deletions theories/derive.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1445,19 +1445,17 @@ by exists c => // ? /fcmax; rewrite lerN2.

Lemma cvg_at_rightE (R : numFieldType) (V : normedModType R) (f : R -> V) x :
cvg (f @ x^') -> lim (f @ x^') = lim (f @ at_right x).
cvg (f @ x^') -> lim (f @ x^') = lim (f @ x^'+).
move=> cvfx; apply/Logic.eq_sym.
apply: (@cvg_lim _ _ _ (at_right _)) => // A /cvfx /nbhs_ballP [_ /posnumP[e] xe_A].
move=> cvfx; apply/esym/cvg_lim => // A /cvfx /nbhs_ballP [_ /posnumP[e] xe_A].
by exists e%:num => //= y xe_y; rewrite lt_def => /andP [xney _]; apply: xe_A.
Arguments cvg_at_rightE {R V} f x.

Lemma cvg_at_leftE (R : numFieldType) (V : normedModType R) (f : R -> V) x :
cvg (f @ x^') -> lim (f @ x^') = lim (f @ at_left x).
cvg (f @ x^') -> lim (f @ x^') = lim (f @ x^'-).
move=> cvfx; apply/Logic.eq_sym.
apply: (@cvg_lim _ _ _ (at_left _)) => // A /cvfx /nbhs_ballP [_ /posnumP[e] xe_A].
move=> cvfx; apply/esym/cvg_lim => // A /cvfx /nbhs_ballP [_ /posnumP[e] xe_A].
exists e%:num => //= y xe_y; rewrite lt_def => /andP [xney _].
by apply: xe_A => //; rewrite eq_sym.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1637,6 +1635,40 @@ apply (@ler0_derive1_nincr _ (- f)) => t tab; first exact/derivableN/fdrvbl.
by apply: continuousN; exact: fcont.

Lemma ltr0_derive1_decr (R : realType) (f : R -> R) (a b : R) :
(forall x, x \in `]a, b[%R -> derivable f x 1) ->
(forall x, x \in `]a, b[%R -> f^`() x < 0) ->
{within `[a, b], continuous f} ->
forall x y, a <= x -> x < y -> y <= b -> f y < f x.
move=> fdrvbl dflt0 ctsf x y leax ltxy leyb; rewrite -subr_gt0.
have itvW : {subset `[x, y]%R <= `[a, b]%R}.
by apply/subitvP; rewrite /<=%O /= /<=%O /= leyb leax.
have itvWlt : {subset `]x, y[%R <= `]a, b[%R}.
by apply subitvP; rewrite /<=%O /= /<=%O /= leyb leax.
have fdrv z : z \in `]x, y[%R -> is_derive z 1 f (f^`()z).
rewrite in_itv/= => /andP[xz zy]; apply: DeriveDef; last by rewrite derive1E.
by apply: fdrvbl; rewrite in_itv/= (le_lt_trans _ xz)// (lt_le_trans zy).
have [] := @MVT _ f (f^`()) x y ltxy fdrv.
apply: (@continuous_subspaceW _ _ _ `[a, b]); first exact: itvW.
by rewrite continuous_subspace_in.
move=> t /itvWlt dft dftxy; rewrite -oppr_lt0 opprB dftxy.
by rewrite nmulr_rlt0 ?subr_gt0// dflt0//.

Lemma lt0r_derive1_incr (R : realType) (f : R -> R) (a b : R) :
(forall x, x \in `]a, b[%R -> derivable f x 1) ->
(forall x, x \in `]a, b[%R -> 0 < f^`() x) ->
{within `[a, b], continuous f} ->
forall x y, a <= x -> x < y -> y <= b -> f x < f y.
move=> fdrvbl dfge0 fcont x y; rewrite -[f _ < _]ltrN2.
apply (@ltr0_derive1_decr _ (- f)) => t tab; first exact/derivableN/fdrvbl.
rewrite derive1E deriveN; last exact: fdrvbl.
by rewrite oppr_lt0 -derive1E; apply: dfge0.
by apply: continuousN; exact: fcont.

Lemma derive1_comp (R : realFieldType) (f g : R -> R) x :
derivable f x 1 -> derivable g (f x) 1 ->
(g \o f)^`() x = g^`()%classic (f x) * f^`()%classic x.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1704,3 +1736,209 @@ exact/derivable1_diffP/derivable_horner.

End derive_horner.

Section Cauchy_MVT.
Context {R : realType}.
Variables (f df g dg : R -> R) (a b c : R).
Hypothesis ab : a < b.
Hypotheses (cf : {within `[a, b], continuous f})
(cg : {within `[a, b], continuous g}).
Hypotheses (fdf : forall x, x \in `]a, b[%R -> is_derive x 1 f (df x))
(gdg : forall x, x \in `]a, b[%R -> is_derive x 1 g (dg x)).
Hypotheses (dg0 : forall x, x \in `]a, b[%R -> dg x != 0).

Lemma cauchy_MVT :
exists2 c, c \in `]a, b[%R & df c / dg c = (f b - f a) / (g b - g a).
have [r] := MVT ab gdg cg; rewrite in_itv/= => /andP[ar rb] dgg.
have gba0 : g b - g a != 0.
by rewrite dgg mulf_neq0 ?dg0 ?in_itv/= ?ar// subr_eq0 gt_eqF.
pose h (x : R^o) := f x - ((f b - f a) / (g b - g a)) * g x.
have hder x : x \in `]a, b[%R -> derivable h x 1.
move=> xab; apply: derivableB => /=.
exact: (@ex_derive _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (fdf xab)).
by apply: derivableM => //; exact: (@ex_derive _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (gdg xab)).
have ch : {within `[a, b], continuous h}.
rewrite continuous_subspace_in => x xab.
apply: cvgB.
apply: cf.
apply: cvgM.
apply: cvg_cst.
apply: cg.
have : h a = h b.
rewrite /h; apply/eqP; rewrite subr_eq eq_sym -addrA eq_sym addrC -subr_eq.
apply/eqP; rewrite [RHS]addrC -mulrBr -[in RHS](opprB (g a)) divrN -mulNr.
by rewrite -mulrA mulVf ?mulr1 ?opprB// subr_eq0 eq_sym -subr_eq0.
move=> /(Rolle ab hder ch)[x xab derh].
pose dh (x : R^o) := df x - (f b - f a) / (g b - g a) * dg x.
have : forall x, x \in `]a, b[%R -> is_derive x 1 h (dh x).
move=> y yab.
apply: is_deriveB.
by apply: fdf.
apply: is_deriveZ.
by apply: gdg.
exists x => //.
have hdh := H _ xab.
have := @derive_val _ R^o _ _ _ _ _ hdh.
have -> := @derive_val _ R^o _ _ _ _ _ derh.
rewrite /dh => /eqP.
rewrite eq_sym subr_eq add0r => /eqP ->.
rewrite -mulrA divff ?mulr1//.
exact: dg0.

End Cauchy_MVT.

Definition derivable_at_right {R : numFieldType} {V W : normedModType R}
(f : V -> W) a v :=
cvg ((fun h => h^-1 *: ((f \o shift a) (h *: v) - f a)) @ 0^'+).

Section lhopital.
Context {R : realType}.
Variables (f df g dg : R -> R) (a u v : R).
Hypothesis uav : u < a < v.
Hypotheses (fdf : forall x, x \in `]u, v[%R -> is_derive x 1 f (df x))
(gdg : forall x, x \in `]u, v[%R -> is_derive x 1 g (dg x)).
Hypotheses (fa0 : f a = 0) (ga0 : g a = 0)
(cdg : \forall x \near a^', dg x != 0).

Lemma lhopital (l : R) : derivable_at_right f a 1 -> derivable_at_right g a 1 ->
df x / dg x @[x --> a^'+] --> l -> f x / g x @[x --> a^'+] --> l.
move=> fa ga.
case/andP: uav => ua av.
case: cdg => r/= r0 cdg'.
near a^'+ => b.
have bv : b < v.
near: b.
by apply: nbhs_right_lt.
have H1 : forall x, x \in `]a, b[%R -> {within `[a, x], continuous f}.
move=> x; rewrite in_itv/= => /andP[ax xb].
apply: derivable_within_continuous => y; rewrite in_itv/= => /andP[ay yx].
apply: ex_derive.
apply: fdf.
rewrite in_itv/=.
apply/andP; split.
by rewrite (lt_le_trans ua).
rewrite (le_lt_trans _ bv)//.
by rewrite (le_trans yx)// ltW.
have H2 : forall x, x \in `]a, b[%R -> {within `[a, x], continuous g}.
move=> x; rewrite in_itv/= => /andP[ax xb].
apply: derivable_within_continuous => y; rewrite in_itv/= => /andP[ay yx].
apply: ex_derive.
apply: gdg.
rewrite in_itv/=.
apply/andP; split.
by rewrite (lt_le_trans ua).
rewrite (le_lt_trans _ bv)//.
by rewrite (le_trans yx)// ltW.
have fdf' : forall y, y \in `]a, b[%R -> is_derive y 1 f (df y).
move=> y; rewrite in_itv/= => /andP[ay yb]; apply: fdf; rewrite in_itv/=.
by rewrite (lt_trans ua)//= (lt_trans _ bv).
have gdg' : forall y, y \in `]a, b[%R -> is_derive y 1 g (dg y).
move=> y; rewrite in_itv/= => /andP[ay yb]; apply: gdg; rewrite in_itv/=.
by rewrite (lt_trans ua)//= (lt_trans _ bv).
have {}dg0 : forall y, y \in `]a, b[%R -> dg y != 0.
move=> y; rewrite in_itv/= => /andP[ay yb].
have := cdg' y; apply.
rewrite /=.
rewrite ltr0_norm; last first.
by rewrite subr_lt0.
rewrite opprB.
rewrite ltrBlDl.
rewrite (lt_trans yb)//.
near: b.
apply: nbhs_right_lt.
by rewrite ltrDl.
by rewrite gt_eqF.
move=> fgal.
have L : \forall x \near a^'+,
exists2 c, c \in `]a, x[%R & df c / dg c = f x / g x.
near=> x.
have /andP[ax xb] : a < x < b.
by apply/andP; split => //.
have {}fdf' : forall y, y \in `]a, x[%R -> is_derive y 1 f (df y).
move=> y yax.
apply: fdf'.
move: yax.
rewrite !in_itv/= => /andP[->/= yx].
by rewrite (lt_trans _ xb).
have {}gdg' : forall y, y \in `]a, x[%R -> is_derive y 1 g (dg y).
move=> y yax.
apply: gdg'.
move: yax.
rewrite !in_itv/= => /andP[->/= yx].
by rewrite (lt_trans _ xb).
have {}dg0 : forall y, y \in `]a, x[%R -> dg y != 0.
move=> y.
rewrite in_itv/= => /andP[ya yx].
apply: dg0.
by rewrite in_itv/= ya/= (lt_trans yx).
have {}H1 : {within `[a, x], continuous f}.
rewrite continuous_subspace_in => y; rewrite inE/= in_itv/= => /andP[ay yx].
apply: H1.
by rewrite in_itv/= xb andbT.
have {}H2 : {within `[a, x], continuous g}.
rewrite continuous_subspace_in => y; rewrite inE/= in_itv/= => /andP[ay yx].
apply: H2.
by rewrite in_itv/= xb andbT.
have := @cauchy_MVT _ f df g dg _ _ ax H1 H2 fdf' gdg' dg0.
rewrite fa0 ga0 2!subr0.
apply/cvgrPdist_le => /= e e0.
move/cvgrPdist_le : fgal.
move=> /(_ _ e0)[r'/= r'0 fagl].
case: L => d /= d0 L.
near=> t.
have /= := L t.
have L1 : `|a - t| < d.
rewrite ltr0_norm; last first.
by rewrite subr_lt0//.
rewrite opprB.
rewrite ltrBlDl.
near: t.
apply: nbhs_right_lt.
by rewrite ltrDl.
have L2 : a < t.
move=> /(_ L1)/(_ L2)[c cat <-].
apply: fagl.
rewrite /=.
rewrite ltr0_norm; last first.
rewrite subr_lt0.
rewrite in_itv/= in cat.
by case/andP : cat.
rewrite opprB.
rewrite ltrBlDl.
rewrite in_itv/= in cat.
case/andP : cat => _ ct.
rewrite (lt_trans ct)//.
near: t.
apply: nbhs_right_lt.
by rewrite ltrDl.
rewrite in_itv/= in cat.
by case/andP : cat.
Unshelve. all: by end_near. Qed.

End lhopital.

Section lhopital_application.
Variable R : realType.

Lemma lhopital_application (e : R -> R) : e h @[h --> 0^'+] --> (1:R)%R ->
(e h - 1) / h @[h --> 0^'+] --> (1:R)%R.
move=> e01.
apply: (@lhopital R (fun x => e x - 1) e id (cst 1) 0 (-1) 1).
near=> t.
by rewrite gt_eqF//.

End lhopital_application.

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