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Development Procedure

SAKURAI Hitohiro edited this page Apr 21, 2022 · 19 revisions

Step 1: Fork and create the repository of Mata Elang to your PC

git clone -branch <BRANCH_NAME> <REPOSITORY_URL>

Step 2: Start coding

Step 3: Testing

Step 4: Commit

git add <FILE> | <DIRECTORY>
git commit -m '<COMMIT_MESSAGE>'
  • Make sure to add a comment when you commit.
  • Please describe the changes in detail in the comments.

Step 5: Merge the changes and push to the original repository

  • Merge the source codes changed by the other developers and push to the original repository.
git fetch
git push

Step 6: Pull request

  • Send the pull request to committers of Mata Elang.

Step 7: Review

  • The committer will check for the changed source code and give feedback to the developer if necessary.

Step 8: Merge

After passing the review, the source code will be merged into master branch and released to the public.

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