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Source Code Management

SAKURAI Hitohiro edited this page Apr 21, 2022 · 6 revisions

We use GitHub as a source code platform for version control and publish Mata Elang to the public.

The following branches are used for Mata Elang Development.

The role of each branches is explained in the following table.

Branch Name Role Derivation Source Merge Destination
master A branch to put the released version.
develop A branch to store the developing source code master release
release A branch to put the version to be released next develop develop, mater
feature-* A branch to put the source code for the development of new features develop develop
bugfix-* A branch to fix bugs of the developing version develop develop
hotfix-* A branch to fix bugs of the released version master develop, master

In generally, The main branch is derivation source for the supporting branch.


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