An aspiring developer who loves to take on new projects that challenges his analytical and technological capacities
💻 Full Stack Web Developer
🏫 I'm currently studying Softwaring Engineering
👨💻 I practice problem solving on CODECHEF
❓ Ask me about anything related to MERN stack and related technologies
🛠 All of my projects are available at
📫 How to reach me o reach me [email protected]
📄 Know about me View Portfolio
⚡ Fun fact: I use tabs over spaces
- 🌐 HTML | CSS | Javascript | Bootstrap | Tailwind CSS
- 👨💻 React | NextJS | Redux | Firebase
- 🔧 NodeJS | ExpressJS | PHP | GraphQL
- 📱 XML | Android Studio
- 🛢 MYSQL | MongoDB
- ⌨️ Python | Java | C++ | C
- 🤖 Numpy | Pandas | Sklearn | OpenCV
- 💻 Visual Studio code | Git | XAMPP
- ✏️ Adobe Illustrator | Adobe Photoshop