Adaption from libcinder version of Traer Physics to dependencies less openframeworks version.
Creates a easy to setup Particle System which can create particles and particle-to-particle forces. Original in Java but very popular for Processing, so many of you might used it with Processing.
Licensed under the same "do whatever you want just email Jeff" license as the Java/Processing version.
See for the original Java code and examples.
See also for the c++ port this was based upon for cinder.
Just drop the folder into the openFrameworks/addons/
folder. Or git clone. After you have done that I've made it easier to just include the ofxTraerPhysics.h which includes all the necessary headers.
Issue with jumpy particles & attractors have been solved via e-mail from [names left out] thank you!
Bug update Version 3.0.1 (Date): 2013-02-25 Initial release w/ openframeworks version 0.7.4