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Hendrix Template

Personal Blog and Portfolio template build using NextJS & TailwindCSS. 🚀

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Deploy with Vercel Deploy to Netlify

Dark mode Light mode
Dark mode Light mode

Key Features

  • Great page load speed
  • Use ContentLayer to compile mdx
  • Responsive for all devices
  • Fast configuration, only edit the blog.config.js file
  • Math syntax support using rehypeKatex
  • Code support using rehypePrettyCode
  • RSS feed, sitemap, and robots.txt
  • Dark and light themes

Getting Started

This is an example of how you may give instructions on setting up your project locally. To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.


  1. Clone the repo

    git clone
  2. Install packages

    pnpm install
  3. Personalize the blog.config.js file with your own information

    const CONFIG = {
      // Site config
      title: "Hendrix",
      siteDescription: "Blog and portfolio created with Next.js and Tailwind CSS",
      baseURL: "",
  4. Write your own blog posts using Markdown in content/writing folder. Also, you can add your own projects in content/projects folder and notes in content/notes folder.

  5. Modify the content/about.mdx file to update your biography.

Content and Config


Every post is crafted using ContentLayer. To ensure compilation, it must adhere to specific required and optional fields, as exemplified below:

title (required)
description (optional but recommended)
date (required)
draft (required)
tags (optional)

An example:

title: "Decoding Signal Processing Basics: A Practical Guide"
date: 2023-11-30
description: "An introduction to signal processing concepts and their applications in engineering and everyday life."
draft: false
  - Mathematics
  - Signal Processing
  - Engineering

Post Page


List your personal side projects in the content/projects folder, here it's an example of these.

title (required)
description (optional but recommended)
date (required)
draft (required)
github (optional)
title: "Gamify Your Life"
description: "A productivity application that turns daily tasks and goals into a gamified experience with levels, achievements, and rewards."
date: 2023-12-15


List your notes in the content/notes folder, here it's an example of these.

title: "Note Title"
date: 2023-12-15
draft: false

Static Files

When adding images to your blog post, it's recommended to store them in the public/static directory. This ensures accessibility and proper linking. Follow these steps: To reference an image in your project, use the path starting from the root of the public directory.

Example: If your image is in public/static/my-blog-post/myimage.png

You can change the favicon in the app/favicon.ico file.


By contributing to the project, you agree to license your contributions under the same license as the project itself. See the LICENSE file for more information.