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MarkLogic Operator for Kuberentes


The MarkLogic Operator for Kubernetes is an operator that allows you to deploy and manage MarkLogic clusters on Kubernetes. It provides a declarative way to define and manage MarkLogic resources. For detailed documentation, please refer to MarkLogic Operator for Kubernetes.

Getting Started


Helm v3.0.0 or later and Kubectl v1.30 or same as your Kubernetes version must be installed locally in order to use MarkLogic operator helm chart.

Kubernetes Version

This operator supports Kubernetes 1.30 or later.

MarkLogic Version

This operator supports MarkLogic 11.1 or later.

Run MarkLogic Operator for Kubernetes using Helm Chart

  1. Add MarkLogic Operator for Kubernetes Helm Repo:
helm repo add marklogic-operator

helm repo update
  1. Install the Helm Chart for MarkLogic Operator:
helm upgrade marklogic-operator marklogic-operator/marklogic-operator-kubernetes --version=1.0.0 --install --namespace marklogic-operator-system --create-namespace
  1. Make sure the Marklogic Operator pod is running:
kubectl get pods -n marklogic-operator-system 
  1. Use this command to verify CRDs are correctly installed:
 kubectl get crd -n marklogic-operator-system | grep 'marklogic'

Install MarkLogic Cluster

Once MarkLogic Operator Pod is running, use your custom manifests or choose from sample manifests from this repository located in the ./config/samples directory. Optionally, create a dedicated namespace for new MarkLogic resources.

kubectl create namespace <namespace-name>

To deploy marklogic single group, use the quick_start.yaml from the config/samples:

kubectl apply -f quick_start.yaml --namespace=<namespace-name>

Once the installation is complete and the pod is in a running state, the MarkLogic Admin UI can be accessed using the port-forwarding command:

kubectl port-forward <pod-name> 8000:8000 8001:8001 --namespace=<namespace-name>

If you used the automatically generated admin credentials, use these steps to extract the admin username, password, and wallet-password from a secret:

  1. Run this command to fetch all of the secret names:
kubectl get secrets --namespace=<namespace-name>

The MarkLogic admin secret name is in the format <marklogicCluster-name>-admin. For example if markLogicCluster name is single-node, the secret name is single-node-admin.

  1. Using the secret name from step 1, retrieve the MarkLogic admin credentials using these commands:
kubectl get secret single-node-admin --namespace=<namespace-name> -o jsonpath='{.data.username}' | base64 --decode; echo

kubectl get secret single-node-admin --namespace=<namespace-name> -o jsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 --decode; echo

kubectl get secret single-node-admin --namespace=<namespace-name> -o jsonpath='{.data.wallet-password}' | base64 --decode; echo

For additional manifests to deploy a MarkLogic cluster inside a Kubernetes cluster, see Operator manifest in the documentation.

Clean Up

Cleaning up MarkLogic Cluster

Use this step to delete MarkLogic cluster and other resources created from the manifests used in the above step:

kubectl delete -f quick_start.yaml --namespace=<namespace-name>

Deleting Helm chart

Use these steps to delete MarkLogic Operator Helm chart and the namespace created:

helm delete marklogic-operator --namespace marklogic-operator-system
kubectl delete namespace marklogic-operator-system

Known Issues and Limitations

  1. The latest released version of fluent/fluent-bit:3.2.5 has high and critical security vulnerabilities. If you decide to enable the log collection feature, choose and deploy the fluent-bit or an alternate image with no vulnerabilities as per your requirements.
  2. Known Issues and Limitations for the MarkLogic Server Docker image can be viewed using the link:
  3. If you're updating the group name configuration, ensure that you delete the pod to apply the changes, as we are using the OnDelete upgrade strategy.