Introduction | Repository contents | Head TAs | Office Hours | Contributing to this repository | Course description | License
The repository contains content for CS3120 - Discrete Math and Theory 2 at the University of Virginia.
The goal of this course is to understand the fundamental limits on what can be efficiently computed. These limits reveal properties about information, communication, and computing, as well as practical issues about how to solve problems. Introduces computation theory including grammars, automata, and Turing machines.
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- Course Logistics: The syllabus, introductory slide deck, grading policy, course schedule, etc.
- Homeworks (md): The homeworks for the course, along with due dates and related things.
- Schedule and Slides (md): Contains the slides used in the course.
- Quiz Review: Contains some review topics when studying for quizzes.
There are a couple of ways you can contact course staff or other students if you need assistance. Please do your best to select the method that best fits your issue(s):
- Personal, Not Urgent (Email): If you have a specific question about an area covered by a head TA (office hours, grading, regrades, homework), then you should first try to contact the head TA in that area (see table below for details). If your request is not handled in a timely manner or to your satisfaction, then email Floryan with the details.
- Personal, Urgent: Have an urgent and personal request that needs to be handled within 24 hours. Email Floryan directly and please label your email as urgent in the subject line so it stands out.
We have one instructor and multiple Head TAs for this course. Their names and emails are shown in the table below. Each head TA is responsible for a specific category (e.g., quiz grading, office hours, etc.). Students should always contact the relevant head ta first, as the primary point of contact regarding issues in each category. Instructors are often slow at responding and the head TAs can more quickly address your concern or escalate the situation to an instructor if necessary.
Name | Head TA / Inst. | TA Category | |
Mark Floryan | Instructor | - | [email protected] |
Liran Li | Head TA | Homework Grading | [email protected] |
Arjuna Bazaz | Head TA | Quiz Grading | [email protected] |
Bereket Tafesse | Head TA | HW Extensions | [email protected] |
Mia McCarrick | Head TA | Office Hours and Regrades | [email protected] |
Varun Vejalla | Head TA | Piazza | [email protected] |
Our office hours queue can be found here.
All TA office hours will be held in Thornton Stacks. Floryan's office hours are in Rice 203.
Mon. 10:30am-12:00pm1 and Thu. 12:30pm-2:00pm2 in Floryan's Office (Rice 203)
<iframe src="" style="border: 0" width="1000" height="800" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>The material in this repository is released under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA).
Adv. Algo. (my other course) students are given preference during my Monday office hours. If any DMT2 students are present, you will be given priority in all cases. ↩
DMT2 students are given preference during my Thursday office hours. If any DMT2 students are present, they will given priority and you will have to wait. ↩