release-tool is a tool for releasing software. It supports bumping version numbers in JavaScript projects out-of-the-box, but is otherwise generic enough to release any kind of software.
npm install --save-dev release-tool
By default, the tool runs in an interactive mode. It will prompt you for the version numbers and plans you want to execute before confirming whether or not to proceed.
$ ./node_modules/.bin/release --help
release is a tool for releasing software. It supports bumping version numbers
in JavaScript projects out-of-the-box, but is otherwise generic enough to
release any kind of software. Run release with no arguments for interactive
For more information, refer to the README.
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-b, --branch [branch] the branch to release from (defaults to the current branch)
-n, --non-interactive run in non-interactive mode (e.g., in a script)
-p, --publish execute the publish plan
-s, --slug specify the repository slug (owner_name/repo_name)
-t, --token assign the Travis CI token to use
-x, --execute execute the plans (defaults to true unless using Travis CI)
The tool also bundles a "bump" subcommand for updating version numbers in
supported types of software projects (currently only JavaScript). It will bump
the version number in package.json (and bower.json, if it exists) from version
to version NEXT_VERSION
$ ./node_modules/.bin/release --bump ${CURRENT_VERSION} ${NEXT_VERSION}
The tool executes up to three types of plans on your Software:
- Release: create a Release (or Release Candidate) of the Software.
- Development: continue a Development Version (or "snapshot") of the Software.
- Publish: publish a Release of the Software.
These plans are described in a .release.json file where you can specify exactly what should happen in each plan.
For example, the tool's own .release.json specifies that, in order to create a Release, the version number must be bumped before committing and tagging the software. In order to continue a Development Version, the version number must be bumped before committing the Software.
"type": "JavaScript",
"travis": true,
"slug": "markandrus/release-tool",
"env": {
"GH_REF": ""
"plans": {
"release": {
"env": {
"GIT_USER_NAME": "travis-ci",
"GIT_USER_EMAIL": "[email protected]"
"commands": [
"node ./node_modules/.bin/release --bump ${CURRENT_VERSION} ${RELEASE_VERSION}",
"git config \"${GIT_USER_NAME}\"",
"git config \"${GIT_USER_EMAIL}\"",
"git add .",
"git commit -m \"Release ${RELEASE_VERSION}\"",
"git tag ${RELEASE_VERSION}"
"development": {
"commands": [
"node ./node_modules/.bin/release --bump ${RELEASE_VERSION} ${DEVELOPMENT_VERSION}",
"git add .",
"git commit -m \"Continue development on ${DEVELOPMENT_VERSION}\""
"publish": {
"commands": [
"git remote set-url origin \"https://${GH_TOKEN}@${GH_REF}\"",
"git rebase HEAD ${BRANCH}",
"git push origin ${BRANCH} --tags",
"git checkout ${RELEASE_VERSION}"
Variables can be assigned in the top-level or plan-level "env" sections. Any unassigned variables referenced in a plan's commands can be overridden by the environment or command-line arguments. All other assigned variables are fixed and cannot be overridden except in the .release.json itself.
If you set the property "travis" to true
in the top-level of your software's
.release.json, then the tool will not execute any plans locally; instead, it
will POST a request to Travis CI in order to execute the plans. You can also
set the property to "pro".
Be very careful not to leak any sensitive data.