The following projet will deploy a Flask API into a two EC2 instances with minimal setup: it contains the terraform description of our infrastructure as well as an an ansible playbook that will install all the necessary dependencies for our application to run. It will then run the API in a docker image (pulled from an ECR instance) wrapped in a systemd service: the application will be server on port 80 and be loadbalanced across two instances, we could easily add more instances if needed.
- An AWS account's credential with IAM (
- An ECR (Elastic Container Registry) setup with a reachable URL (
- Docker
- Terraform
- Ansible
- A bash prompt as well as basic crypto utilities in order to generate SSH keypairs
1 - Clone the repository
git clone
cd iktos
2 - Launch the setup script, you will be prompted for your AWS credentials as well as the container registry's URL (Note that it is important to go inside the directory first)
cd scripts && ./
3 - You are now ready to run terraform
cd ../terraform && terraform plan && terraform apply
3 - If everything went as expected, wait a couple minutes and look at your application running.
curl [LOADBALANCER'S IP]/age/max
This API contains 4 routes :
returns the mean value for a given column name, cannot be done if the column type is a string
returns the max value for a given column name
returns the most frequent value for a given column name
returns the jsonified row for a given index
SSH directly to the web server
ssh -i ../ssh-keys/id_rsa_aws ubuntu@[IP we got before]
This should do the trick for a simple copy/paste
ssh -i ../ssh-keys/id_rsa_aws ubuntu@`terraform state show aws_instance.web[0] | grep "public_ip" | awk '{print $3}' | tail -n1 | sed 's/"//g'`
Check that the container is running
sudo docker ps
Check the systemd service logs on the webserver
journalctl -u itkos.service