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Command-line utility to read HID Reports from USB devices.
Tested with *NIX/x64 and OpenWRT/MIPS devices.

Install instructions

A pre-compiled version is present in the dist folder.

*NIX / x86-x64 Devices

(If running a 32bit machine, build from source)

  • Install the libhidapi-libusb0 library. Debian/Ubuntu based: sudo apt-get install libhidapi-libusb0
  • Plug the device to be inspected. Discover the VendorID/ProductID with the 'dmesg' command.
  • Copy the file usb-hid-reporter/dist/x64/usb-hid-reporter.x64.bin to some working dir.


sudo ./usb-hid-reporter VENDOR_ID PRODUCT_ID REPORT_SIZE

sudo ./usb-hid-reporter 0x1111 0x2222 64
while(true); do sudo ./usb-hid-reporter 0x1111 0x2222 64

Expected output: (run without arguments to view help)

VENDOR_ID/PRODUCT_ID: Hexadecimal - More info:
REPORT_SIZE: Decimal - Length of USB Report in bytes.
OUTPUT: Decimal, CSV, brackets enclosing each report.

Openwrt based devices

Tested in MIPS/ar71xx (D-Link DIR505);
Compatible with other devices/platforms as well, but may require rebuilding from source.
The following steps assumes a device with internet connection and SSH access.

  • Enter the usb-hid-reporter folder in the host machine. (or appropriate folders of OpenwrtSDK if built from source)

  • Copy the program binary to the device:
    scp dist/mips_ar71xx/usb-hid-reporter.mips.bin [email protected]:/root

  • Install pre-requisites:

opkg update  
opkg install libusb-compat libusb-1.0  
opkg install kmod-hid kmod-hid-generic kmod-usb-hid
  • Copy required extra libs:
scp dist/mips_ar71xx/usr/lib/ [email protected]:/usr/lib  
ssh [email protected] 'ln -s /usr/lib/'
  • Reboot may be necessary

  • Run: ssh [email protected] '/root/usb-hid-reporter.mips.bin 0x1111 0x2222 64'

Building from source:

Platform x64

  • Working folder: usb-hid-reporter/src/x64
    Content description:
    Main program: chipcap-hidapi.c
    External lib: hidapi folder

  • If hidapi lib was downloaded from external source (ie. newer)

cd hidapi  
make clean  
make all  
cd ..  
  • Build and link:
g++ -c -Ihidapi/hidapi usb-hid-reporter.c -o usb-hid-reporter.o  
g++ -Lhidapi/libusb/.libs usb-hid-reporter.o -lhidapi-libusb -o usb-hid-reporter.x64.bin  
rm usb-hid-reporter.o  
  • Run: sudo ./usb-hid-reporter.x64.bin
    Known issue: it's expected a segmentation fault in the Openwrt version if no device is found.

Platform Openwrt/MIPS/ar71xx/others

  • Download the OpenWRT SDK:
    (or other appropriate SDK version, depending on your SO version / architecture)

  • Extract indo a work dir. Ex: /code/OpenwrtSDK

  • Copy the whole folder 'usb-hid-reporter'
    from: src/mips_at71xx/OpenwrtSDK_complement/package/usb-hid-reporter to: workdir/OpenwrtSDK/package/
    It's not necessary to add extra hidapi/usb libs; It will be used the ones from OpenwrtSDK.

  • Build (in the SDK root folder): make V=99

  • Output will be in OpenWrtSDK/build_dir/target-mips_34kc_uClibc-

  • Install into the device and run with the instructions above.
    Known issue: it's expected a segmentation fault in the Openwrt version if no device is found.

Known issues / TODO:

  • In MIPS/ar7xxx/OpenWRT program gives a segmentation fault if no devide is found.
  • Be able to run without root privileges.
  • Implement scan for SERIAL_NUMBER to differentiate products of same VID/PID.
  • Verify if all libs listed in openwrt-install are really required.
  • Try some static linking to dismiss the installation of extra libs (usefull for openwrt devices with storage shortage)


- Based upon the code of:


Command-line utility to read HID Reports from USB devices.






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