Backend API for Recipe Sharing
There are any number of existing websites that allow you to search for recipes, so what makes this one so differnt?
- Upload our own recipes without having to scour the web each time
- Ability to add and edit our recipes with the option to keep them private or share them with others
- Private
- Share with specific users
- Share with specific groups
- Share with all
- Ability to create Recipe Books that include recipes selected from recipes
- Added by you
- Shared with you
- Shared with a group you belong to
- Shared with all
- Ability to copy an existing recipe and change the recipe
- The new recipe will be owned by you
- Track each location it was copied from
- The API will be able to be consumed by other services
- Allowing it to be used in many environments for different purposes
- RecipeSharingApi
- Stores the code for the API
- An unsecure development version of the API can be found here
- RecipSharingDatabase
- Stores the script files for creating the empty database
- May also include the files for seeding the data
- RecipeSharingClientIos
- Code for the Native Ios Mobile
- Fork each of the above repositories (or the ones you wish to contribute to)
- Create a folder to contain the whole project, then clone each repo
- The following method clones the original repo, and sets it as upstream
mkdir RecipeSharing
cd RecipeSharing
git clone -o upstream [email protected]:mariekauth/RecipeSharingApi.git
git clone -o upstream [email protected]:mariekauth/RecipeSharingDatabase.git
git clone -o upstream [email protected]:mariekauth/RecipeSharingClientIos
- Add remotes for your fork - origin (your repo)
cd RecipeSharingApi
git remote add upstream [email protected]:{yourGitHubUser}/RecipeSharingApi.git
cd ../RecipeSharingDatabase
git remote add upstream [email protected]:{yourGitHubUser}/RecipeSharingDatabase.git
cd ../RecipeSharingClientIos
git remote add upstream [email protected]:{yourGitHubUser}/RecipeSharingClientIos
cd ..
- Option: Push branches to upstream and then merge into upstream/main
- Option: Push branches to origin and then merge into upstream/main
- Whatever branch we merge to, is the branch the new code should be based off
- The fork gives you full control over your workflow and how you want to handle things later
- Since this is new and each current contributor is working on their own work, the chance of overwrite is slim
- I prefer working off a branch and doing a Pull Request to main
- However, currently working directly off main and pushing to main works because it is new
This is a DRAFT