The tool is for monitoring the capacity from openstack, which monitoring total of quote and total used.
The metrics being measured are:
- total_domains - Total domains in openstack
- total_projects - Total projects in openstack
- total_cores_used - Total vCPUs used in openstack
- max_total_cores - Total vCPUs in quota for all projects in openstack
- total_instances_used - Total Instances used in openstack
- max_total_instances - Total Instances in quota for all projects in openstack
- total_ram_used - Total Memory use in openstack
- max_total_ram_size - Total Mempry in quita for all projects in opesntack
- Admin user/password of openstack
- Redis for processing jobs
- Docker and Docker Compose
docker-compose up -d rq worker -c settings -v rq-dashboard
openstack volume list --long --all -f value -c Type -c Size | grep Standard-Performance | sort | awk '{std+=$1;} END {print "STD="std}' openstack volume list --long --all -f value -c Type -c Size | grep High-Performance | sort | awk '{gen1+=$1;} END {print "high-G1="gen1}' openstack volume list --long --all -f value -c Type -c Size | grep High-Performance-Gen2 | sort | awk '{gen2+=$1;} END {print "high-G2="gen2}' openstack server list --all-project --format csv | awk '/".-.-.-.-.*?"/ {split($0,arr,","); print arr[1]}' | wc -l | awk '{print "servers="$1}' openstack hypervisor list --long | grep "comp-1" | awk '{print $16}' | sort | awk '{memo+=($1-16384);} END {print "memoria="memo}' openstack hypervisor list --long | grep "comp-2" | awk '{print $16}' | sort | awk '{memo+=($1-32768);} END {print "memoria="memo}' openstack hypervisor list --long | grep "comp" | awk '{print $12}' | sort | awk '{cpu+=$1;} END {print "vcpu="cpu}'