The main goal of myShop Angular Client project was to learn how to create modern, reactive, responsive Single Page Application, which can communicate with a myShop API.
- Angular Router
- Angular Forms/Reactive Forms (built-in and custom validators)
- Built-in and custom Angular Pipes, Directives
- Custom reusable components
- Angular Material Components
- Integration light/dark themes with Angular Material
- Angular Resolvers, Guards, Interceptors
- Angular Services (Dependency Injection)
- Angular Animations
- Managing User Session using JWT and refresh tokens
- TypeScript
- RxJS
- Angular Signals
- Angular Standalone Components
- Diffrent types of paginations (e.g. Query Params, Infinite Scroll)
- Working with external packages
- Angular Service Worker (Progressive Web Application)
- Sass (Variables, Mixins)
- RWD (Responsive Web Design)
- Working with REST API and SignalR Hub
- Working with charts
- Angular 18
- Angular Material
- Angular Service Worker (PWA)
- Angular Animations
- Sass/SCSS
- Microsoft SignalR
- ngx-toastr
- ngx-infinite-scroll
- Swiper
- ng2-charts (chart.js + chartjs-plugin-datalabels)
- Angular Fontawesome
- hammer.js
Screenshots myShop Angular Client can be found here.
For fully functionality, the myShop Angular Client project must have related projects running.
Full instruction for starting myShop projects is here.
- Clone repository
git clone
- In root folder of repository install NPM packages
npm install
- Run application
ng serve
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.