Converts a string to a Trump tweet.
< 440 bytes, minified and gzipped. So great!
## Usage
npm install --save to-trump-case
'The String global object is a constructor for strings or a sequence of characters.'.toTrumpCase();
// returns one of
// The String global object is a constructor for STRINGS or a sequence of characters. All lies!
// The String GLOBAL object is a CONSTRUCTOR for strings or a sequence of characters. Big win!
// The STRING global OBJECT is a constructor for strings or a sequence of characters. MAGA!
// etc.
var toTrumpCase = require('to-trump-case');
toTrumpCase('Strings are useful for holding data that can be represented in text form.');
// returns one of
// Strings ARE useful FOR HOLDING DATA that can be represented in text form. Crazy!
// Strings are USEFUL FOR holding data that CAN be represented in text FORM. SMART!
// Strings are useful for holding data that can be represented in TEXT form. No collusion!
// etc.