sealed classes and PatternMatching on switch as a preview feature.
New type of declaration: record.
instanceof now supports PatternMatching.
toList() method in Stream.
NullPointerException now gives more accurate information on source of exception.
Better way to use switch.
New method in Files, mismatch() to compare two files.
String new methods.
New Teeing collector in the streams.
HttpClient standardized.
Keyword var now possible in lambda.
Possibility to use a not() predicate.
String some new useful methods: lines, strip...
Method toArray added to Collection.
Methods readString and writeString added to Files.
Support of Unicode 10.
New way to create unmodifiable list from a Stream: Collectors.toUnmodifiableList().
New keyword var to create local variables.
New method orElseThrow() for Optional.
New method ifPresentOrElse() for Optional.