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This repo contains my setup files for Mac (local) and Linux (remote).


Run the command below in a terminal to set up a new macOS computer:

This README is a symlink to the script in the scripts directory.

Why Mac?


MacOS is UNIX-based, unlike Windows, though Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) is a really big step forward.

Modifier keys

The Command key is used for MacOS keyboard shortcuts, limiting conflicts with Unix shortcuts that use Alt/Option or Control.

The best option would be to install Linux on a Mac and configure the modifier keys (Cmd/Alt/Ctrl) to work like in MacOS, but who has time for that?

Mac System Preferences

For tons of MacOS setup examples, click the link below

1: MacOS terminal and defaults

Open MacOS terminal using Spotlight search (Cmd Space)

Curl the macos.terminal file

curl -o ~/macos.terminal

Run the defaults commands below to setup MacOS

Ask for the administrator password upfront

sudo -v

Keep-alive: update existing sudo time stamp until has finished

while true; do sudo -n true; sleep 60; kill -0 "$$" || exit; done 2>/dev/null &

Not all software is available on ARM processor Macs

echo A | softwareupdate --install-rosetta


In System Preferences > Keyboard > Keyboard:

Key Repeat: Fast

defaults write -g KeyRepeat -int 1

Delay Until Repeat: Short

defaults write -g InitialKeyRepeat -int 20

Repeatedly engage a key when held (no need to press multiple times)

defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false

defaults write ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false # For VS Code

defaults write ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false # For VS Code Insider

defaults write com.visualstudio.code.oss ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false # For VS Codium

Disable automatic capitalization as it’s annoying when typing code

defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSAutomaticCapitalizationEnabled -bool false

Disable smart dashes as they’re annoying when typing code

defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSAutomaticDashSubstitutionEnabled -bool false

Disable automatic period substitution as it’s annoying when typing code

defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSAutomaticPeriodSubstitutionEnabled -bool false

Disable smart quotes as they’re annoying when typing code

defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSAutomaticQuoteSubstitutionEnabled -bool false

Disable auto-correct

defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSAutomaticSpellingCorrectionEnabled -bool false

Enable full keyboard access for all controls

(e.g. enable Tab in modal dialogs)

defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleKeyboardUIMode -int 3


In System Preferences > Trackpad > Point & Click, set tracking speed to max:

defaults write NSGlobalDomain -float 3

and select Tap to click

defaults write Clicking -bool true

defaults -currentHost write NSGlobalDomain -int 1

defaults write NSGlobalDomain -int 1


Show notifications for only one second

defaults write bannerTime 1


Remove most icons from Dock

defaults write persistent-apps -array

defaults write static-only -bool true

2-finger click on Dock and Turn Dock Hiding On

Automatically hide and show the Dock

defaults write autohide -bool true

defaults write autohide-delay -float 0

defaults write autohide-time-modifier -float 0

defaults write enable-spring-load-actions-on-all-items -bool true

Disable the auto-hiding Dock delay

defaults write autohide-delay -float 0

Disable the animation when hiding/showing the Dock

defaults write autohide-time-modifier -float 0

Don’t animate opening applications from the Dock

defaults write launchanim -bool false

Make Dock icons of hidden applications translucent

defaults write showhidden -bool true

Don’t show recent applications in Dock

defaults write show-recents -bool false

Minimize windows into their application’s icon

defaults write minimize-to-application -bool true

Enable spring loading for all Dock items

defaults write enable-spring-load-actions-on-all-items -bool true

Show indicator lights for open applications in the Dock

defaults write show-process-indicators -bool true


Disable the sound effects on boot

sudo nvram SystemAudioVolume=" "

Disable user interface sound effects

defaults write "Apple Global Domain" -int 0

Disable user interface sound effects

defaults write -bool false

Disable feedback when volume is changed

defaults write NSGlobalDomain -bool false

Disable flashing the screen when an alert sound occurs (accessibility)

defaults write NSGlobalDomain -bool false

Under Sound > Sound Effects "Show Sound in menu bar" (doesn't work?)

defaults write menuExtras -array
"/System/Library/CoreServices/Menu Extras/"
"/System/Library/CoreServices/Menu Extras/"
"/System/Library/CoreServices/Menu Extras/"
"/System/Library/CoreServices/Menu Extras/"


Finder: show status bar

defaults write ShowStatusBar -bool true

Finder: show path bar

defaults write ShowPathbar -bool true

Keep folders on top when sorting by name

defaults write _FXSortFoldersFirst -bool true

When performing a search, search the current folder by default

defaults write FXDefaultSearchScope -string "SCcf"

Enable spring loading for directories

defaults write NSGlobalDomain -bool true

Remove the spring loading delay for directories

defaults write NSGlobalDomain -float 0

Use list view in all Finder windows by default

Four-letter codes for the other view modes: icnv, clmv, glyv

defaults write FXPreferredViewStyle -string "Nlsv"

Disable the warning before emptying the Trash

defaults write WarnOnEmptyTrash -bool false

Finder: show all filename extensions

defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleShowAllExtensions -bool true

Display full POSIX path as Finder window title

defaults write _FXShowPosixPathInTitle -bool true

Finder icons

defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSTableViewDefaultSizeMode -int 3

Finder: allow quitting via ⌘ + Q; doing so will also hide desktop icons

defaults write QuitMenuItem -bool true

defaults write FXEnableExtensionChangeWarning -bool false


defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleKeyboardUIMode -int 3

Use scroll gesture with the Ctrl (^) modifier key to zoom

defaults write closeViewScrollWheelToggle -bool true

defaults write HIDScrollZoomModifierMask -int 262144

Follow the keyboard focus while zoomed in

defaults write closeViewZoomFollowsFocus -bool true

Disable press-and-hold for keys in favor of key repeat

defaults write NSGlobalDomain ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false

Set a blazingly fast keyboard repeat rate

defaults write NSGlobalDomain KeyRepeat -int 1

defaults write NSGlobalDomain InitialKeyRepeat -int 20

Disable automatic capitalization as it’s annoying when typing code

defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSAutomaticCapitalizationEnabled -bool false

Disable smart dashes as they’re annoying when typing code

defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSAutomaticDashSubstitutionEnabled -bool false

Disable automatic period substitution as it’s annoying when typing code

defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSAutomaticPeriodSubstitutionEnabled -bool false

Disable smart quotes as they’re annoying when typing code

defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSAutomaticQuoteSubstitutionEnabled -bool false

Disable auto-correct

defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSAutomaticSpellingCorrectionEnabled -bool false

Menu bar

Under General > Appearance select 'Automatically hide and show the menu bar'

defaults write NSGlobalDomain _HIHideMenuBar -bool true


Save to disk (not to iCloud) by default

defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSDocumentSaveNewDocumentsToCloud -bool false

Use metric units

defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleMetricUnits -bool true

Show language menu in the top right corner of the boot screen

sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ showInputMenu -bool true

Disable shadow in screenshots

defaults write disable-shadow -bool true

Speed up Mission Control animations

defaults write expose-animation-duration -float 0.1

Set sidebar icon size to medium

defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSTableViewDefaultSizeMode -int 2

Disable the “Are you sure you want to open this application?” dialog

defaults write LSQuarantine -bool false

Display ASCII control characters using caret notation in standard text views

Try e.g. cd /tmp; unidecode "\x{0000}" > cc.txt; open -e cc.txt

defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSTextShowsControlCharacters -bool true

Disable Resume system-wide

defaults write NSQuitAlwaysKeepsWindows -bool false

Disable Notification Center and remove the menu bar icon

launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchAgents/ 2> /dev/null

Reset Finder and Dock to see results of defaults commands

killall Finder

killall Dock

2: Default MacOS keybindings and keyboard layout

The default macOS keyboard has so-called "dead keys". Some of these "dead keys"

interfere with GNU emacs/readline shortcuts that should be available by default

everywhere. To deal with this problem, I created a keyboard layout called

undead. I also created a DefaultKeyBinding.dict that provides many GNU

emacs/readline shortcuts.

Download keyboard layout and icon files undead.keylayout and undead.icns to /Library/Keyboard Layouts/

This messes up ctrl u and k in alacritty and kitty

sudo curl -o /Library/Keyboard\ Layouts/undead.icns

sudo curl -o /Library/Keyboard\ Layouts/undead.layout

Download Default MacOS keybinding dictionary file DefaultKeyBinding.dict to /Library/Keybindings/

curl -o ~/Library/KeyBindings/DefaultKeyBinding.dict --create-dirs

For additional keyboard setup, we need Karabiner, but to install Karabiner, let's use Homebrew.

3: Brew - commandline package manager

Install Homebrew (this also installs xcode tools needed for git)

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

(echo; echo 'eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"') >> ~/.zprofile

eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"

git config --global [email protected]

curl -o ~/.Brewfile

brew bundle install --file ~/.Brewfile

4: Generate SSH keys for GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket

model=$(sysctl hw.model | cut -d\ -f2)

yes y | ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f ~/.ssh/$(whoami)$model -C $(whoami)$model -N ''

ssh-add ~/.ssh/$(whoami)_$model

cat ~/.ssh/$(whoami)_$ | pbcopy

echo "Host *\n\tIdentityFile ~/.ssh/$(whoami)_$model" >> ~/.ssh/config

5: MacOS Applications

Install Ewka Nerdfont

git clone --depth 1 ~/maptv/ewka

cp ~/maptv/ewka/nerd/* ~/Library/Fonts


App shortcuts

Set neovide to be the default txt file editor

duti -s com.neovide.neovide txt all

duti -s org.jupyter.jupyterlab-desktop ipynb all


curl -o ~/.hammerspoon/init.lua --create-dirs

miro window manager spoon

use Alt Shift as the modifier à la Amethyst

curl | tar -xf - -C ~/.hammerspoon/Spoons

curl -o ~/.hammerspoon/Spoons/MiroWindowsManager.spoon/init.lua --create-dirs

Terminal config files

curl -o ~/.config/alacritty/alacritty.yml --create-dirs

curl -o ~/.config/kitty/kitty.conf --create-dirs

curl -o ~/.hyper.js --create-dirs

curl -o ~/Library/Application\ Support/tabby/config.yaml --create-dirs

Set up iterm2

curl -o ~/Library/Preferences/com.googlecode.iterm2.plist

Set up karabiner

curl -o ~/.config/karabiner/karabiner.json --create-dirs

6: Command line tools

Set up fzf (fuzzy finder)

Set up bat and exa (for fzf file preview)

Set up fasd and fd (to provide inputs for fzf)

Set up xpdf (e.g. pdftotext - for fzf PDF file preview)

Set up vim and neovim

Create locations for undo files (just in case they are not created automatically)

mkdir -p ~/.vim/undodir

mkdir -p ~/.local/share/nvim/undo

Install fzf key bindings and fuzzy completion using the install script which runs the commented out code below

source /opt/homebrew/opt/fzf/shell/key-bindings.zsh

source /opt/homebrew/opt/fzf/shell/key-bindings.bash

source /opt/homebrew/opt/fzf/shell/completion.zsh

source /opt/homebrew/opt/fzf/shell/completion.bash

/opt/homebrew/opt/fzf/install --completion --key-bindings --no-fish --no-update-rc

Use Bash as a backup

curl -o ~/.bash_profile

curl -o ~/.inputrc

Zsh config

curl -o ~/.zshrc

powerlevel10k config

curl -o ~/.p10k.zsh



curl -o ~/.gitconfig

Regular expressions for diffs

curl -o ~/.gitattributes

automatically ignored files

git config, ignore, and attributes

curl -o ~/.gitignore


curl -o ~/.vimrc

Vim snippets

curl -o ~/.config/coc/ultisnips/all.snippets --create-dirs


curl -o ~/.config/nvim/init.vim --create-dirs

curl -o ~/.config/page/init.vim --create-dirs

echo 'let g:better_whitespace_enabled=0' >> ~/.config/page/init.vim

Neovim GUIs

curl -o ~/.config/nvim/ginit.vim --create-dirs

COC (Conqueror Of Completion)

curl -o ~/.config/nvim/coc-settings.json --create-dirs

curl -o ~/.vim/coc-settings.json --create-dirs


git clone --depth 1 ~/.SpaceVim

curl -o ~/.SpaceVim.d/init.toml --create-dirs

curl -o ~/.SpaceVim.d/autoload/myspacevim.vim --create-dirs


curl -o ~/.config/zed/settings.json --create-dirs

JetBrains IDEs

curl -o ~/.ideavimrc

Set up oh my tmux

curl -o ~/.tmux.conf

curl -o ~/.tmux.conf.local

git clone --depth 1 ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm

Set up ipython

curl -o ~/.ipython/profile_default/ --create-dirs

curl -o ~/.ipython/profile_default/startup/ --create-dirs

Set up ptpython

curl -o ~/Library/Application\ Support/ptpython/ --create-dirs

Set up radian

curl -o ~/.radian_profile

ln -sf .radian_profile radian_profile.R

Set up btm

curl -o ~/.config/bottom/bottom.toml --create-dirs

Set up TabNine

curl -o ~/.config/TabNine/tabnine_config.json --create-dirs

6: Conda environments (base, Python and R)

Install cookiecutter (for i alias) and neovim (for vim plugins)

/opt/homebrew/Caskroom/miniforge/base/bin/mamba install -yc conda-forge python neovim

/opt/homebrew/Caskroom/miniforge/base/bin/mamba create -yc conda-forge -n py python neovim jupyterlab jupyterlab_vim jupyter-cache joblib seaborn numpy pandas scikit-learn scipy

/opt/homebrew/Caskroom/miniforge/base/envs/py/bin/python -m pip install jupyterlab-quarto radian

7: Code editors

Jupyter settings

curl -o ~/.jupyter/lab/user-settings/@jupyterlab/shortcuts-extension/shortcuts.jupyterlab-settings --create-dirs

curl -o ~/.jupyter/lab/user-settings/jupyterlab-vimrc/vimrc.jupyterlab-settings --create-dirs

PyCharm settings

curl -o ~/

Set up RStudio

brew install --cask rstudio works (rstudio is included in Brewfile)

As of 2023-06-23, RStudio only works with the graphical R installer (not brew or conda)

curl -o ~/.config/rstudio/rstudio-prefs.json --create-dirs

curl -o ~/.config/rstudio/keybindings/editor_bindings.json --create-dirs

curl -o ~/.config/rstudio/keybindings/rstudio_bindings.json --create-dirs

Initialize conda for z shell

/opt/homebrew/bin/mamba init zsh

Set up vscode, vscodium, and positron

curl -o ~/Library/Application\ Support/Code/User/settings.json --create-dirs

curl -o ~/Library/Application\ Support/VSCodium/User/settings.json --create-dirs

curl -o ~/Library/Application\ Support/Positron/User/settings.json --create-dirs

curl -o ~/Library/Application\ Support/Code/User/keybindings.json --create-dirs

curl -o ~/Library/Application\ Support/VSCodium/User/keybindings.json --create-dirs

curl -o ~/Library/Application\ Support/Positron/User/keybindings.json --create-dirs

Lunar Vim

yes n | bash <(curl -s

curl -o ~/.config/lvim/config.lua --create-dirs

Install fasd via git and make (brew install fasd is not working)

git clone --depth 1 whjvenyl/fasd && cd whjvenyl/fasd && sudo make install && cd

coc expects me to have a bibliography.bib file in the home directory

touch ~/bibliography.bib

Set up emacs


rm -rf ~/.emacs.d

git clone --depth 1 ~/.emacs.d

curl -o ~/.spacemacs

Launch spacemacs as daemon to finish setup

/opt/homebrew/bin/emacs --no-window-system --daemon --no-init-file --load ~/.emacs.d/init.el

Doom emacs

export DOOMDIR=$HOME/.config/doom

git clone --depth 1 ~/.config/emacs/

curl -o ~/.config/doom/config.el --create-dirs

curl -o ~/.config/doom/packages.el

yes y | ~/.config/emacs/bin/doom install

The line below has to be at the bottom, because it ends (I don't know why)

~/.config/emacs/bin/doom sync

Non-automated steps

macOS settings

Enable Stage Manager

Accessibility > Menu bar size: large

Accessibility > Reduce transparency

Accessibility > Reduce motion

Accessibility > Pointer size: as large as possible

Accessibility > Text size: 15 pt

Desktop & Dock > Enable Displays have separate Spaces

Desktop & Dock > Enable "When switching to an application, switch to a Space with open windows for the application"

Date & Time > Enable 24-hour time

Control Center > Automatically hide and show the menu bar On Desktop Only

Control Center > Don't show anything in menu bar, show everything in Control Center

Trackpad > Point & Click > Tracking Speed: As Fast as possible

Trackpad > More Gestures > Swipe between pages: Off

Trackpad > More Gestures > App Expose: Swipe Down with Three Fingers

Menu bar should only have Spaceman, AWAKE/DECAF (Hammerspoon), Control Center, and Date and Time

There does not appear to be:

- a way to prevent the menubar from dimming when another screen is focused
- have the menubar only be displayed on screens with a notch

Therefore, I:

- set my Wallpaper to complete black, so the notch is no longer visible
- hide the menu bar on the Desktop only, because I want
- Spaceman to show which Space is focused in the menu bar if I unintentionally enter fullscreen mode
- make apps fullscreen on the Desktop with:
- Hammerspoon (ctrl space) or
- RightZoom (alt cmd e)
instead of fullscreen mode, which moves windows to a new space,
when I press ctrl cmd f (or cmd shift f for some apps)


Activate py environment and run the command below

Rscript -e "install.packages('IRkernel', repos=''); IRkernel::installspec()"

Give Hammerspoon Accessibility permissions and enable Launch Hammerspoon at login


Download and move to Applications

keep default bindings for now

Add ssh key to GitHub by running gh auth login (alias: hai) and selecting SSH as my preferred protocol for Git operations

Restart computer to enable macOS settings set via defaults

Load in the profile saved in the macos.terminal file


Give karabiner_grabber and karabiner_observer Input Monitoring permission

Under Complex modifications > Rules you should see

Change caps_lock to control if pressed with other keys, to escape if pressed alone. (from Change caps_lock key (rev 4))
Change return to control if pressed with other keys, to return if pressed alone (from Change return to control)
Bash style Emacs key bindings (rev 2) (from Emacs key bindings (rev 12))
Emacs key bindings [option+keys] (rev 5) (from Emacs key bindings (rev 12))

Install vim plugins

/opt/homebrew/bin/nvim -c PlugInstall -c CocInstall -c wqa

/opt/homebrew/bin/vim -u ~/.SpaceVim/vimrc -c SPUpdate -c wqa

/opt/homebrew/bin/nvim -u ~/.SpaceVim/vimrc -c SPUpdate -c wqa

~/.local/bin/lvim -c LvimSyncCorePlugins -c wqa

/opt/homebrew/bin/vim -c PlugInstall -c CocInstall -c wqa


CopyQ stopped working for the latest macOS

Load copyq.ini (commands) and copyq.cpq (configuration)


Keyboard shortcuts:

Ctrl Alt C summons the CopyQ window

Ctrl Alt D pastes the today's ISO date

Ctrl Alt J pastes and copies next

Ctrl Alt K pastes and copies previous

Ctrl Alt S shows the CopyQ tray (mnemonic: show tray)

Ctrl Alt V edits the clipboard (mnemonic: vim)

Ctrl Alt X pastes as plain text (mnemonic: remove (x) formatting)

Set up Mac terminal

In terminal, under Profiles > Text: Select Ewka Nerd Font size 18

In terminal, under Profiles > Advanced: Deselect audible bell

Set builtin "Move focus" macOS Keyboard shortcuts in System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Keyboard

Move focus to menu bar: Alt Cmd A (A is for Apple)

Move focus to Dock: Alt Cmd Z (Z is below A and S on the keyboard)

Move focus to active or next window: Cmd ' (' looks similar to `)

Which automatically enables, move focus to previous window: Cmd Shift ;

that I decided it was worth overwriting the Emacs hippie completion binding

Toggle all of the focus shortcuts except "Move focus to status menus": Alt O

Move focus to window toolbar: Alt Cmd T (mnemonic: toolbaR, works a bit like Alt R in Emacs in that it jumps back and forth)

Move focus to floating window: Alt Cmd W

Move focus to status menus: Alt Cmd S

Change the way Tab moves focus: Alt Cmd Tab

Turn keyboard access on or off: Alt Cmd K

Mac Control Center settings

Set the following keyboard shortcuts:

Mission Control

Mission Control: Ctrl Alt Shift Cmd Up

Application windows: Ctrl Alt Shift Cmd Up

Move left a space: Ctrl Alt Shift Cmd Left

Switch to Desktop 1: Ctrl Alt Shift Cmd 1

Switch to Desktop 2: Ctrl Alt Shift Cmd 2

Switch to Desktop 3: Ctrl Alt Shift Cmd 3

Switch to Desktop 4: Ctrl Alt Shift Cmd 4

Switch to Desktop 5: Ctrl Alt Shift Cmd 5


Set Sound options

Set alert volume to zero

Disable Play sound on startup

Add all Google profiles in Chrome

Each profile automatically should have

SurfingKeys extension with settings loaded from

LastPass extension

BitWarden extension

Add all Internet Accounts in System Preferences

Grant Accessibility permissions to CopyQ, altTab, Homerow, Hammerspoon, VimR and Alfred

Enable launch on login for CopyQ, altTab, Homerow, Hammerspoon, VimR and Alfred

Select ABC under Auto-switch Input Source

Click Disable search & show all labels

Set up Displays

The resolution of display link dual monitors should be 3840x1080

Set resolution of the main monitor to 2650x1440 and the MacBook monitor to 1280x800, so the width of the two add up to 3840

Set resolution of the leftmost monitor to 1440x2650 and and rightmost monitor to 1080x1920, so the height of each is close 2520 (1080+1440) and 1880 (800+1080), respectively

Click "Arrange..." and Arrange the monitors so that the main monitor and the MacBook monitor line up with the dual link dual monitors

Move the white band from the top of MacBook monitor to the main monitor, the monitor order should now be:

1: main monitor

2: MacBook monitor

3: far right monitor

4: dual link dual monitors

5: far right monitor

Setup PyCharm

Install PyCharm via Jetbrains Toolbox

Or load settings from

Or manually configure PyCharm by following the steps below

Under File > Settings Repository..., select Overwrite Local


Select MacOS X 10.5+ Keymap and make the following changes:

- Editor Actions > Backspace : Ctrl h

- Editor Actions > Cut Line Backward : Ctrl u

- Editor Actions > Kill to Word End : Alt d

- Editor Actions > Cut up to Line End : Ctrl k

- Editor Actions > Decrease Font Size : Cmd -

- Editor Actions > Focus Editor : Shift Escape

- Editor Actions > Increase Font Size : Cmd =

- Editor Actions > Kill to Word Start : Ctrl w

- Editor Actions > Move Caret to Next Word : Alt f

- Editor Actions > Move Caret to Previous Word : Alt b

- Editor Actions > Reset Font Size : Cmd 0

- Editor Actions > Split Line :

- Main Menu > View > Quick Documentation: Ctrl q

- Main Menu > Edit > Delete : Ctrl d

- Main Menu > Edit > Paste : Ctrl y

- Main Menu > Edit > Redo : Ctrl =

- Main Menu > Edit > Undo : Ctrl -

- Main Menu > File > Save As...: Cmd Shift S

- Main Menu > Help > Find Action... : Cmd Shift p

- Main Menu > Tool Windows > Commit :

- Main Menu > Window > Active Tool Window > Resize > Stretch to Bottom : Cmd Shift ,

- Main Menu > Window > Active Tool Window > Resize > Stretch to Left : Cmd Shift ,

- Main Menu > Window > Active Tool Window > Resize > Stretch to Right : Cmd Shift ;

- Main Menu > Window > Active Tool Window > Resize > Stretch to Top : Cmd Shift ;

- Plug-ins > Git > Checkout Revision : Enter

- Plug-ins > Git > Checkout Selected : Enter

- Plug-ins > Python > Execute Selection in Python Console: Cmd Enter

- Plug-ins > Python > Split Cell : Ctrl Shift -

- Plug-ins > Terminal > Shift Focus To Editor : Shift+Escape

In Appearance & Behavior > Appearance, Select Darcula theme and select Ewka Nerd Font size 14

Using Cmd Shift A or going to View > Appearance at the Top, enable Details in Tree Views, disable Tool Windows Bars and Navigation Bar

In MacOS System Preferences: Keyboard > Shortcuts > Services, uncheck Open man Page in Terminal (Cmd Shift M) and Search man Page Index in Terminal (Cmd Shift A)

In MacOS System Preferences: Keyboard > Shortcuts > Keyboard, uncheck Turn keyboard access on and off after making sure all of the other shortcuts are enabled

In MacOS System Preferences: Keyboard > Shortcuts > Keyboard, change ctrl function shortcuts to ctrl num shortcuts:

In Editor > Font, select Ewka Nerd Font size 16 as main and Jetbrains Mono as fallback and Enable font ligatures

In Editor > Code Style, set visual guides to 80 characters

Check Change font size (Zoom) with Command+Mouse Wheel in Editor > General

Check Show Whitespace in Editor > General > Appearance

If you use the Deep Ocean Editor theme from the Material UI plugin, change docstring (Doc comment > Text) color to 4cbb17 aka kelly green and line comment color to DF00FF aka psychedelic purple under Editor > Color Scheme > Python and Editor > Color Scheme > Language Defaults, respectively

In Build, Execution, Deployment > Console, select Use existing console for "Run with Python Console"

Disable Material UI to got back to Darcula theme, but keep Code Editor theme as Deep Ocean

Editor > Color Scheme : Material Deep Ocean

Appearance and Behavior > Appearance > Theme : Darcula

In Editor > General > Editor Tabs, Select None for Tab placement (current file is shown at the top)

Install IdeaVim plugin

Install BashSupport plugin

Install Markdown plugin

Install R Language Support plugin

Fix shortcut conflicts under Preferences > Vim emulation: Ctrl i/j/m/t to IDE

When setting run configurations (Ctrl Alt r), set working directory to project root under Environment and deselect Run with Python Console under Execution


iTerm: set up to automatically run tmux attach

alacritty: set up to automatically run tmux attach

kitty: need to manually run tmux attach

tabby: can't figure how to remap ctrl ; to ctrl q

hyper: can't figure how to remap ctrl ; to ctrl q

terminal: can't figure how to remap ctrl ; to ctrl q

The com.googlecode.iterm2.plist file makes it unnecessary to load iterm.json, which includes the settings below

In iterm2, select General > Preferences: Select load preferences from a local folder or URL

In iterm2, select Appearance > Theme: Minimal

In iterm2, select Profiles > Keys: Both option keys to Esc+

In iterm2, select Profiles > Terminal > Notifications: Silence bell

In iterm2, select Profiles > Text > Change Font: Ewka Nerdfont size 18, Use Ligatures

In iterm2, set Profiles > General > Command > Send text at start: tmux attach || tmux new ; split-window -v ; select-pane -t :.+

In iterm2, set Keys > Key Bindings > Send hex code 0x11 ^;

In iterm2, set Profiles > Keys > Key Mappings to send enter/return key codes:

Send ^[ [13;2u with Shift Return

Send ^[ [13;5u with Ctrl Return

Send ^[ [13;6u with Ctrl Shift Return

Send ^[ [13;3u with Cmd Return

Send ^[ [13;4u with Shift Cmd Return

Send ^[ with Ctrl Shift Cmd Return

Text editors

1. Vim

2. Neovim

3. LunarVim

4. SpaceVim

5. Spacemacs

6. Doom emacs


No description, website, or topics provided.






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