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Coastal Zone

Solved - Solutions in Geoinformation


This repository provides the steps to classify Coastal Zone classes using Landsat Top of Atmosphere (TOA) mosaics.

Two machine learning techniques were used: Mangrove; Beach, Dunes, & Sand-Spot; and Shallow Coral Reefs are based on Random Forests, and Hypersaline Tidal-Flats are U-Net derived.

For more information about the methodology, please see the Coastal Zone Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document

How to use

Scripts that are common between all classes are numbered with single digits in order of processing.


"0 - Mosaic.js" is the first common script for generating mosaics, some classes use the same base for training and classification.

Each unique script are a sequence of 3 numbers: first the the order in which they are executed, followed by the pair that defines the class in MapBiomas legend. If the three digit number first character is the same as a single numbered script that means that that class uses a different script in that step.

The following table is each class and its correspnding MapBiomas class number:



"069 - Mosaic.js" is the Shallow Coral Reefs mosaic generating script, which differs from the one presented previously ("0 - Mosaic.js").

"123 - Classification.js" is the Beach, Dune and Sand-Spot classification script, that immediately follows the common script for generating mosaics ("0 - Mosaic.js").

1. Prepare environment.

The Hypersaline Tidal-Flat mapping is based on DeepLearning (DL) classifier U-Net. Thus it uses the COLAB structure, rather than purelly GEE code editor as the other classes in this repository.

1. Mosaic and grid generation.

Start processing the annual cloud free composities, Mosaic.js (cloud removed median mosaics from 1985 - 2023).

Example: users/solved/0 - Mosaic.js // linkar aqui o script

2. Classification.

The automatic classification of the Landsat mosaics was mainly performed on the Google Earth Engine platform, based on the Random Forest classifier (Breiman, 2001). The Hypersaline Salt-flat and the Aquaculture classes were deep-learning derived and thus classified outside the GEE.

Example: users/solved/0 - Mosaic.js

2.2. Execute the classification scripts. They are all starting with numebre 1 (1 - Apicum MapbiomasBased.js, 1 - BeD MapbiomasBased.js, 1 - Mangrove MapbiomasBased.js).

users/solved/1 - Mangrove MapbiomasBased.js // linkar aqui o script

users/solved/1 - BeD MapbiomasBased.js // linkar aqui o script

users/solved/1 - Apicum MapbiomasBased.js // linkar aqui o script

3. Temporal filter.

Example: users/solved/2 - Temporal Filter.js

4. Frequency filter.

Example: users/solved/3 - Frequency Filter.js

5. Integration.

Every classification is a binary set of pixel values. 0 - "non-class", 1 - "class of interest" (eg. 0 - Non-Mangrove, 1 - Mangrove)

The different outputs from each classification are then integrated, Mangrove is placed above all other classes, then Hypersaline Tidal-Flats and Beach, Dune and Sand Spots. Shallow Coral Reefs are published separately, under all other MapBiomas classes.

users/solved/4 - Integration.js



MANGROVE MapBiomas Collection 8, Giri et al., 2011, ICMBio Mangrove Attlas (ICMBio, 2018), Global Mangrove Watch (Bunting et al., 2018; Thomas et al., 2018), Diniz et al., 2019, Panorama da Conservação dos Ecossistemas Costeiros e Marinhos no Brasil (MMA, 2010), plus visual inspection.
HYPERSALINE TIDAL FLAT MapBiomas Collection 8, Atlas Dos Remanescentes Florestais da Mata Atlântica (SOS Mata Atlântica, 2020), Prates, Gonçalves and Rosa, 2010, Panorama da Conservação dos Ecossistemas Costeiros e Marinhos no Brasil (MMA, 2010), plus visual inspection.
BEACHES, DUNES AND SAND SPOTS MapBiomas Collection 8, Atlas Dos Remanescentes Florestais da Mata Atlântica (SOS Mata Atlântica, 2020), Prates, Gonçalves and Rosa, 2010, Panorama da Conservação dos Ecossistemas Costeiros e Marinhos no Brasil (MMA, 2010), plus visual inspection.
SHALLOW CORAL REEFS Áreas Prioritárias para Conservação da Biodiversidade (MMA), Panorama da Conservação dos Ecossistemas Costeiros e Marinhos no Brasil (MMA, 2010), Atlas dos Recifes de Corais nas Unidades de Conservação Brasileiras (MMA), Allen Coral Reef Atlas, and UNEP-WCMC Global Distribution of Coral Reefs.


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