- adt: algebraic datatype, plus simpler record syntax
- comprehension: powerful comprehensions and reductions for list, vector, hashtable, etc., in for-loop style
- control: various control features
- file: rich file and IO utilites, filesystem watcher
- irregex: regex support
- iter: iterator support (eliminating intermediate data structures when processing data through a series of procedures)
- list: more list operations
- match: powerful pattern matching
- os: OS utilities
- string: more string operations
- utils: miscellaneous useful procedures like type checking and random data generator
- vector: more vector/fxvector/flvector operations
- data structures:
- array: dynamic vector
- dlist: doubly-linked list
- hashset: unordered set using hash function
- treemap: ordered map based on reb-black tree
- treeset: ordered set based on reb-black tree