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Solve Day 07 (#12)
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* Setup Day 07

* Build parser for part 1

* wip

* Solve part 1

* Fix lint warnings

* Get readme part 2

* Unfold tree in specs

* Solve part 2

* remove unused expandPaths functions

* Move fromRightOrError' to Advent.Utils

* Remove evidence I didn't get this answer right perfectly in one shot :)
  • Loading branch information
manuphatak authored Dec 12, 2020
1 parent cb38e4d commit 7500862
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Showing 12 changed files with 1,112 additions and 16 deletions.
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion AdventOfCode2020.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ cabal-version: 1.12
-- see:
-- hash: 3bbb82bd071c7f973c1e32f8180fdaa94c1d1c3dfc81685d4758fecdac132065
-- hash: 911fb313632a85441d2a53c457eac23f567c9dd6fb277c68ddfe60e7f48a166c

name: AdventOfCode2020
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ library
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -68,6 +69,7 @@ test-suite AdventOfCode2020-test
Expand Down
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/Advent/Utils.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,3 +21,7 @@ combinations n xs =
| y : xs' <- tails xs,
ys <- combinations (pred n) xs'

fromRightOrError' :: Show a => Either a b -> b
fromRightOrError' (Left x) = error (show x)
fromRightOrError' (Right x) = x
71 changes: 71 additions & 0 deletions src/Day07/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
## Day 7: Handy Haversacks

You land at the regional airport in time for your next flight. In fact, it looks like you'll even have time to grab some food: all flights are currently delayed due to _issues in luggage processing_ .

Due to recent aviation regulations, many rules (your puzzle input) are being enforced about bags and their contents; bags must be color-coded and must contain specific quantities of other color-coded bags. Apparently, nobody responsible for these regulations considered how long they would take to enforce!

For example, consider the following rules:

light red bags contain 1 bright white bag, 2 muted yellow bags.
dark orange bags contain 3 bright white bags, 4 muted yellow bags.
bright white bags contain 1 shiny gold bag.
muted yellow bags contain 2 shiny gold bags, 9 faded blue bags.
shiny gold bags contain 1 dark olive bag, 2 vibrant plum bags.
dark olive bags contain 3 faded blue bags, 4 dotted black bags.
vibrant plum bags contain 5 faded blue bags, 6 dotted black bags.
faded blue bags contain no other bags.
dotted black bags contain no other bags.

These rules specify the required contents for 9 bag types. In this example, every `faded blue` bag is empty, every `vibrant plum` bag contains 11 bags (5 `faded blue` and 6 `dotted black` ), and so on.

You have a `_shiny gold_` bag. If you wanted to carry it in at least one other bag, how many different bag colors would be valid for the outermost bag? (In other words: how many colors can, eventually, contain at least one `shiny gold` bag?)

In the above rules, the following options would be available to you:

- A `bright white` bag, which can hold your `shiny gold` bag directly.
- A `muted yellow` bag, which can hold your `shiny gold` bag directly, plus some other bags.
- A `dark orange` bag, which can hold `bright white` and `muted yellow` bags, either of which could then hold your `shiny gold` bag.
- A `light red` bag, which can hold `bright white` and `muted yellow` bags, either of which could then hold your `shiny gold` bag.

So, in this example, the number of bag colors that can eventually contain at least one `shiny gold` bag is `_4_` .

_How many bag colors can eventually contain at least one `shiny gold` bag?_ (The list of rules is quite long; make sure you get all of it.)

## Part Two

It's getting pretty expensive to fly these days - not because of ticket prices, but because of the ridiculous number of bags you need to buy!

Consider again your `shiny gold` bag and the rules from the above example:

- `faded blue` bags contain `0` other bags.
- `dotted black` bags contain `0` other bags.
- `vibrant plum` bags contain `11` other bags: 5 `faded blue` bags and 6 `dotted black` bags.
- `dark olive` bags contain `7` other bags: 3 `faded blue` bags and 4 `dotted black` bags.

So, a single `shiny gold` bag must contain 1 `dark olive` bag (and the 7 bags within it) plus 2 `vibrant plum` bags (and the 11 bags within _each_ of those): `1 + 1*7 + 2 + 2*11` \= `_32_` bags!

Of course, the actual rules have a small chance of going several levels deeper than this example; be sure to count all of the bags, even if the nesting becomes topologically impractical!

Here's another example:

shiny gold bags contain 2 dark red bags.
dark red bags contain 2 dark orange bags.
dark orange bags contain 2 dark yellow bags.
dark yellow bags contain 2 dark green bags.
dark green bags contain 2 dark blue bags.
dark blue bags contain 2 dark violet bags.
dark violet bags contain no other bags.

In this example, a single `shiny gold` bag must contain `_126_` other bags.

_How many individual bags are required inside your single `shiny gold` bag?_

## Link


93 changes: 93 additions & 0 deletions src/Day07/Solution.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
module Day07.Solution
( Rules,
Tree (..),

import Advent.Utils (fromRightOrError', readInt)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Text.Parsec

part1 :: String -> String
part1 = show . pathsToTarget "shiny gold" . fromRightOrError' . parseRules

part2 :: String -> String
part2 = show . countBags "shiny gold" . asTree . fromRightOrError' . parseRules

type Bag = String

type Rules = Map.Map Bag [(Int, Bag)]

newtype Tree a = Tree [(a, Tree a)] deriving (Show, Eq)

parseRules :: String -> Either ParseError Rules
parseRules = parse (Map.fromList <$> try ruleParser `sepEndBy1` newline) ""

ruleParser :: Parsec String () (Bag, [(Int, Bag)])
ruleParser =
((,) <$> (bagParser <* string " bags contain") <*> choice [try containsNoBagsParser, containsBagsParser]) <* char '.'

containsNoBagsParser :: Parsec String () [(Int, Bag)]
containsNoBagsParser = do
_ <- string " no other bags"
pure []

containsBagsParser :: Parsec String () [(Int, Bag)]
containsBagsParser = bagCountParser `sepBy1` char ','

bagCountParser :: Parsec String () (Int, Bag)
bagCountParser = (,) <$> countParser <*> bagParser'
countParser = space *> (readInt <$> many digit) <* space
bagParser' = bagParser <* space <* skipMany1 letter

bagParser :: Parsec String () Bag
bagParser =
manyTill anyChar $
try $
lookAhead $
string " bag"

pathsToTarget :: Bag -> Rules -> Int
pathsToTarget target = Map.size . Map.filter containsTarget . flattenPaths
containsTarget :: [[(Int, Bag)]] -> Bool
containsTarget = any (any (\(_, bag) -> bag == target))

flattenPaths :: Rules -> Map.Map Bag [[(Int, Bag)]]
flattenPaths = asPath . asTree

asTree :: Rules -> Map.Map Bag (Tree (Int, Bag))
asTree rules = Map.mapWithKey (\key _ -> fn key (Tree [])) rules
fn :: Bag -> Tree (Int, Bag) -> Tree (Int, Bag)
fn key history = Tree $ map (\kid@(_, nextKey) -> (kid, fn nextKey history)) kids
kids = rules Map.! key

asPath :: Tree a -> [[a]]
asPath (Tree nodes) = concatMap walkNode nodes
walkNode :: (a, Tree a) -> [[a]]
walkNode (a, tree) = go [a] tree
go :: [a] -> Tree a -> [[a]]
go history (Tree []) = [history]
go history (Tree nodes') = concatMap (\(a, tree) -> go (a : history) tree) nodes'

countBags :: Bag -> Map.Map Bag (Tree (Int, Bag)) -> Int
countBags target = go . (Map.! target)
go :: Tree (Int, Bag) -> Int
go (Tree []) = 1
go (Tree nodes) = sum $ map (uncurry go') nodes
go' :: (Int, b) -> Tree (Int, Bag) -> Int
go' node (Tree []) = fst node
go' node tree = fst node + fst node * go tree
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/Day08/Solution.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,11 +13,11 @@ module Day08.Solution

import Advent.Utils (readInt)
import Advent.Utils (fromRightOrError', readInt)
import Data.Either (isRight)
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IntMap
import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet
import Day08.Utils (asIntMap, fromLeftOrError, fromRightOrError')
import Day08.Utils (asIntMap, fromLeftOrError)
import Text.Parsec

part1 :: String -> String
Expand Down
4 changes: 0 additions & 4 deletions src/Day08/Utils.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,7 +16,3 @@ fromLeftOrError (Left x) = x
fromRightOrError :: Either a b -> b
fromRightOrError (Left _) = error "fromRightOrError: Argument takes form 'Left _'"
fromRightOrError (Right x) = x

fromRightOrError' :: Show a => Either a b -> b
fromRightOrError' (Left x) = error (show x)
fromRightOrError' (Right x) = x
20 changes: 19 additions & 1 deletion test/Advent/UtilsSpec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,9 +1,19 @@
module Advent.UtilsSpec (spec) where

import Advent.Utils (combinations, isBetween, occurrences, readInt, rightToMaybe)
import Advent.Utils
( combinations,
import Control.Exception (evaluate)
import Data.Foldable (for_)
import Test.Hspec

type TestType = Either Int Int

spec :: Spec
spec = parallel $ do
describe "occurrences" $ do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -41,3 +51,11 @@ spec = parallel $ do
describe "combinations" $
it "is the combinations of a list" $ do
combinations 2 "abcd" `shouldBe` ["ab", "ac", "ad", "bc", "bd", "cd"]

describe "fromRightOrError'" $ do
context "given a Right Value" $ do
it "is the Right value" $ do
fromRightOrError' (Right 92 :: TestType) `shouldBe` 92
context "given a Left Value" $ do
it "is throws an exceptions" $ do
evaluate (fromRightOrError' (Left 14 :: TestType)) `shouldThrow` anyException

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