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The PHP library is
A PHP implementation of InterSwitch WebPay API
- Include the InterSwitchWebPay class and Initialize it. You can use the following test credentials they are provided by InterSwitch for testing: Product ID: 6325 Item ID: 101 MAC/Hash key: D6871058AE068109A74DDBF08AACEFA50EA59C0DE9010CC73B06BEA9ADD07CCA22616428C5D9C56B20683C75C2210CAE1A3147690F4B1E2BAB7FF5672D6AF7F3 Testmode: true
require 'InterSwitchWebPay.php';
$WebPay = new InterSwitchWebPay($product_id, $pay_item_id, $mac_key, $testmode);
- To Make Payment, provide a redirect/return url, an order id, total amount, customers first name and last name
require 'InterSwitchWebPay.php';
$WebPay = new InterSwitchWebPay($product_id, $pay_item_id, $mac_key, $testmode);
$WebPay->make_webpay_payment($redirect_url, $order_id, $order_total, $customer_fname, $customer_lname);
- To verify a transaction when returned from InterSwitch, provide the order id and total
require 'InterSwitchWebPay.php';
$WebPay = new InterSwitchWebPay($product_id, $pay_item_id, $mac_key, $testmode);
$response = $WebPay->check_webpay_response( $order_id, $order_total);
- To verify a transaction, provide the transaction ref id and total
require 'InterSwitchWebPay.php';
$WebPay = new InterSwitchWebPay($product_id, $pay_item_id, $mac_key, $testmode);
$response = $WebPay->webpay_transaction_details($txnref, $total);
Goldilocks Inc. - This is the demo merchant’s name and is not required anywhere. FYI only 4220 - Product ID 101 - Item ID MAC/Hash key - 199F6031F20C63C18E2DC6F9CBA7689137661A05ADD4114ED10F5AFB64BE625B6A9993A634F590B64887EEB93FCFECB513EF9DE1C0B53FA33D287221D75643AB
Goldilocks Inc. - This is the demo merchant’s name and is not required anywhere. FYI only 6325 - Product ID 101 - Item ID MAC/Hash key - D6871058AE068109A74DDBF08AACEFA50EA59C0DE9010CC73B06BEA9ADD07CCA22616428C5D9C56B20683C75C2210CAE1A3147690F4B1E2BAB7FF5672D6AF7F3
Success Card No: 6280511000000095 Exp. Date: Dec 2026 PIN: 0000 CVV2: 123 This is the demo card with which you would always get a successful response
Expired Card Card No: 5061020000000000003 Exp. Date: June 2014 PIN: 1111 CVV2: 123 This is the demo card that would decline with ‘Z1′. See the response codes page for more details
Insufficient Funds Card No: 5061020000000010002 Exp. Date: Jan 2016 PIN: 1111 CVV2: 123 This is the demo card that would return with insufficient funds
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