Blockchain based Crowd Lending and Borrowing Platform for Individuals, ICO's, Governments etc
- There is no platform for Financiers to Crowdlend loans at global level.
- There is no platform for Corporate Bonds, IDO's, Individuals to get loans from multiple lenders.
- There is no platform to raise initial capital for Companies, ICO's for small duration of time without giving stake
We have built a Crowdlend Platform on top of Dharma Protocol where
- Debitors Can request loans specifiying Principal Amount, Interest Rate, Duration etc.
- Multiple Lenders can lend money in small amount for small duration and gain interests on lent money.
We faced few challenges in design and implementation phase like
- how multiple lenders can lend a loan request?
- How repayments will happen?
- how to optimize number of transactions that takes place? etc.
- We came up with a solution where when multiple lenders lend money, Lender will be allocated ERC20 tokens proportional to their lent amount plus interest rate.
- When Debitor repays, lenders will be repaid proportional to ERC20 token they posses.
- Add Collateral which should be split in proportion to lenders amount.
- Support for Various Interest Rates.
- Optimize number of transactions takes place in whole process.
- ERC20 tokens issued to lenders can be used as a token to trade in secondary markets.
- clone the repo.
cd CrowdLending/dapp/
npm run blockchain
- Run local Blockchaincd node_modules/@dharmaprotocol/contracts
- Run script to compile, migrate, link, build, generate artifacts- Modifify scripts/ according to path of tsc
./scripts/ - Run
script to prepare dist folder which will be picked by dharma.jscd CrowdLending/dapp/
npm start
- run this command to bring up the ui at 3000 port.