The follow repo builds an event-driven architecture that allows you to play with Vault, Consul, Boundary and delever a automation/zero-trust security solution to manage Palo Alto address groups based on what servers are registred and online in Consul.
- Azure cloud subscrition
- Terraform installed on your machine to initiate the code
- Azure CLI
- Log into your azure environment and get a subscription
az account list
- Need to accept the Azure Palo Alto marketpalce terms, replace MYSUB with your subscription ID
az vm image terms accept --publisher paloaltonetworks --offer vmseries-flex --plan bundle1 --subscription MYSUB
- Install terraform (brew install terraform)
Pull the code from the repo
git clone
- First you will need to jump into the build-infra directory
cd 01-deploy-infra
Run Terraform
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply
- The output will give you all the information to access all the devices
- First you will need to jump into the configure-infra directory
cd 02-configure-infra
Run Terraform
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply
- First you will need to jump into the deploy-apps directory
cd 03-deploy-apps
Run Terraform
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply
- First you will need to jump into the network automation directory
cd 04-network-automation
Run Terraform
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply