Different utils \ helpers in C++11. Boost is used.
Ubuntu 18.10: Clang 7.0, GCC 8.2, Cmake 3.12, Conan
C++14 Standard is used.
See tools/Dockerfile-dev-base
for details how to setup development environment
Assuming all further commands are executed from project root.
Get sub-modules with the following command
git submodule update --init --recursive
Following clang utils are required
- clang-format (
sudo apt install clang-format
) - clang static analyzer (
sudo apt install clang-tools
Run tools/install_hooks.py
This will allow to perform some code checks locally before posting changes to server.
Project uses Conan Package Manager
Install conan with
sudo -H pip install conan
Add additional repositories to conan:
conan remote add bincrafters https://api.bintray.com/conan/bincrafters/public-conan
Cmake will automatically check required dependencies and setup them taking into account current compiler (clang or gcc).
Conan misses gcc 8.2 in default config at the moment. The one can use pre-defined config file.
conan config install ./tools/conan/cfg
sudo pip install pylint
By default used clang compiler and debug mode.
Run in project root to build debug version with clang
mkdir build-clang-debug && cd build-clang-debug && cmake .. && make -j$(nproc)
To build release version with gcc run the following command
RUN mkdir build-gcc-release && cd build-gcc-release && CXX=g++ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. && make -j$(nproc)
You can enable sanitizers with SANITIZE_ADDRESS
options in your CMake configuration. You can do this by passing e.g. -DSANITIZE_ADDRESS=On
in your command line.
Run from build directory
To enable coverage support in general, you have to enable ENABLE_COVERAGE
option in your CMake configuration. You can do this by passing -DENABLE_COVERAGE=On
on your command line or with your graphical interface.
If coverage is supported by your compiler, the specified targets will be build with coverage support. If your compiler has no coverage capabilities (I assume Intel compiler doesn't) you'll get a warning but CMake will continue processing and coverage will simply just be ignored.
Collect coverage in Debug mode. Tested with gcc 5.0 and clang 5.0 compiler.
make -j$(nproc)
make test
make testrunner-genhtml
xdg-open lcov/html/testrunner/index.html
creates build environment from the scratch. It should be built manually and pushed to DockerHub
is used by Travis. It's based on pre-built image from Dockerfile-initial
on DockerHub
Dockerfile-dev-base: base image, which contains basic environment setup (compiler, build tools)
docker build -t cpp-dev-base -f tools/Dockerfile-dev-base .
Dockerfile-initial: initial project image, which contains pre-build sources. Based on Dockerfile-dev-base
docker build -t travis-build-cpputils -f tools/Dockerfile-initial .
Steps to prepare image for Travis
docker build -t cpp-dev-base -f tools/Dockerfile-dev-base .
docker tag cpp-dev-base $DOCKER_ID_USER/cpp-dev-base
docker build -t travis-build-cpputils -f tools/Dockerfile-initial .
docker tag travis-build-cpputils $DOCKER_ID_USER/dev-cpputils
docker login
docker push $DOCKER_ID_USER/cpp-dev-base
docker push $DOCKER_ID_USER/dev-cpputils
Sample command to run analyzer. By default report is stored in /tmp/scan-build*
mkdir build-debug
cd build-debug
scan-build --use-analyzer=/usr/bin/clang++-6.0 cmake ..
scan-build --use-analyzer=/usr/bin/clang++-6.0 make -j$(nproc)
cmake ..
make clang-static-analyzer
Setting are stored in .clang-tidy
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make clang-tidy
Setup dependencies with conan and build project. Move and rename config file and additional json file to project root.
cp <build dir>/conan_ycm_extra_conf.py <project root>/.ycm_extra_conf.py
cp <build dir>/conan_ycm_flags.json <project root>/conan_ycm_flags.json