Releases: makinacorpus/accessimap-editeur-der
Releases · makinacorpus/accessimap-editeur-der
New features
- Radial menu to interact with the objects
- Optionnaly add an empty area surrounding any shape
- Optionnaly add an empty area surrounding a text
- Move a point
- Rotate a point
- Improve the line/polygon vertex edition
- Optionnaly add an arrow at line end
- Edit color and pattern with radial menu
- Optionnaly smooth a line
Minor changes
- Add a north orientation symbol
- Vertical symbols are no more proposed as the vertical orientation can be achieved through the rotation tool
- Fill the transparent symbols in white
Bug fixes
- Inner and outer paths of a same line are now tied together with a class (link_id) and an attribute (data-link)
New features
- Address search: center the map on one or two locations
- Address search: add points on the found locations
- Add a color in pattern's background
- Start from a white page
- Transform the tiles images into base64 so they can be exported
- Introduce layers to order the features drawing
- Allow zooming on edition
- Magnetic lines on Ctrl press to draw vertical or horizontal lines
Minor changes
- Add a zebra crossing line style
- Delete the zebra crossing points
- Same icon for the start and stop points when searching an address
- Switch the geocoding provider from Addok to Nominatim (allow searching bus stops)
Bug fixes
- Add waterway=riverbank in the "water" preset
- When searching an address, delete the previously added icon
- Do not duplicate the #deletedElement objects
- Be able to write text after a feature has been deleted
- Fix header of the interactions XML
New features
- Import a JPG or PNG image
- Import a PDF file
- Add interaction filters
- Export an XML file with interaction filters
- Possibility to add/remove a contour or a white background to any polygon style
- Write in braille or Arial font, several sizes and colors
- Choose file name to be downloaded
- Change polygon style
- Rotate all point features
- Add a background pattern
Minor changes
- Show a temporary line when drawing polygon with no stroke
- Increase width of map contour
- Change color and text of the button to go the the edition step
- Add a new line style
- Explicit text on map rotation slider
- White margin around the map cannot be deleted nor moved
- Be able to delete a rect and an ellipse
- Layout changes
- Improve how the point styles are displayed
Internal features
- Refactoring
- Automatic testing and code coverage
New features
- Circle drawing
- Parallel ways drawing
- A4 and A3 formats
- Add address search tool
- Add margins around the map and legend
- Add interaction areas
- Undo the last delete action
- Multiline text
- Starting from a SVG, be able to delete it on export
- Rotate symbol on local map
Minor changes
- Add zebra crossings from OSM as points
- Add partners logos tothe footer
- Add arrow markers
- Remove the footways from "all the streets"
- Polygon styles without borders
- Add sixth point before numbers
Bug fixes
- Be able to delete a circle
- Fix initial import of innerStyle
Internal features
- Rewrite the "addText" function on the common map
New features
- Polygon styles (textures.js)
- POI styles
- Preview feature style in dropdown list
- Local map rotation
- Map and legend are now on 2 separate SVG files
- Download map, legend and comment in a single zip file
- Map and legend orientation (portrait or landscape)
- Local map layers edition : change the style and remove a feature
- Local map: feature geometric simplification
- Upload a custom SVG file
- Add custom tags with feature properties in the svg file
Bug fixes
- Prevent map panning on common map
- An already selected layer cannot be added again to the local
- Better handle the polygons and multipolygons
Minor changes
- More line styles
- Add a polygon query: buildings
- OSM attribution
- Add a comment
- Keep OSM tiles on common map view
- Add icons in the features list
Internal features
- New svgicon service
- Setup tests
- Move fonts to proper folder
Initial release
- Local map: download pre-configured data from OSM and display it
- Local map: dynamically drawn legend
- Global map: load a SVG file
- Common map: draw, write and delete features on the drawing
- Common map: export the drawing as SVG